What specialties generate income today
The PayScale Research Center in USA calculated how much the time and money spent by students on higher education pays off. The authors compared the salaries of university graduateswith the current cost of education in those faculties that they graduated from, excluding financial assistance. Going to university is a good idea, but, as it turns out, not always.It is very important what you study, not where.
Engineers and IT - specialists today earn the most, recouping on average their annual expenses at the university with an increase of 12% (a twenty-year period is considered). Moreover, graduates of ordinary technical universities turn out to be no worse than graduates of leading universities. Economics and business specialties are also well paid, showing an increase of 8.7%.
However, as the research has shown, humanitarian directions more often offer their students the fruits of spiritual food, rather than material.In some cases, the return on investment for graduate students in the humanities is negative.