Japan banned students from wearing smartwatches to exams
The smartwatch, which has become a hit in recent years, has been used by students as another repository of cheat sheets. They look like a harmless wristwatch, but they can contain text documents with answers to questions of tests or tests. Therefore, the Japanese authorities expressed their intention to ban young people from coming to the exam with smart gadgets in order to reduce the number of cheats. The ban will initially be introduced at Kyoto University and then spread throughout the country.
The authorities of Japan did not come to such measures by chance: several years ago, one of the students of a Japanese university during the exam actively used a smart watch, posting questions on the Internet. The cunning student was figured out, and after that universities began to fight against sophisticated methods of cheating on tests and attestations. The same attitude towards the situation was expressed by prestigious educational institutions Great Britain, Australia and the USA .
Naturally, students complain about such innovations, claiming that they need a clock to keep track of the time until the end of the exam.In their opinion, it really would not be difficult for an observer or teacher to check which hours are used as intended and which are not.