Fully paid UN program in Geneva, Switzerland
The Minority Fellowship Program, launched in 2005, is OHCHR's most comprehensive training program for activists and advocates belonging to national, ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities.
At the end of the program, participants should have a general knowledge of the UN system, international human rights instruments and mechanisms, and be able to further train their communities/organizations. The program also provides human rights activists with the opportunity to work to protect and support minority rights through partnership and strategic dialogue with other activists from around the world, with the UN, Geneva-based NGOs and other partners.
The program covers:
fare (economy class) from the country of residence to Geneva;
basic health insurance for the duration of the program;
living expenses and other related expenses.
Who can apply?
Candidate must belong to a national, ethnic, linguistic or religious minority group (persons who do not belong to a minority group will not be considered, even if they have close ties to minority communities and/or organizations).
Please note: If your community is identified as Indigenous, you will need to apply for another separate program, the Indigenous Fellowship Program.Necessary to have experience in the relevant field
Candidates should be able, willing and able to train other persons belonging to minorities in their communities/organizations after the completion of the programme.
Candidates should have good knowledge of one of the languages in which the program is held: English, Russian, Arabic.
Candidate must be proposed or supported by his/her organization and/or community. The sponsoring organization should preferably have a continuing constituency or membership, be involved in representation on minority issues, and be comprised of persons belonging to minorities.
The overall objective of the programme for minorities is to provide persons belonging to minorities with the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of international human rights that they can transfer to their organizations/communities. It is very important that the candidate proposed and nominated by the organization or community be the one who will return to his NCB to work in this area.
The selection process
The selection of participants reflects gender and regional balance. The overall human rights situation in the respective regions/countries is taken into account, as is the situation of the minority to which the applicant belongs.
How to apply?
Application forms can be downloaded from the program page. Be sure to note the deadline. In addition, applications must be accompanied by an official letter of recommendation from the nominating organization or community. Applications will only be considered if they are fully completed. In addition, applications must include an official letter of recommendation from the nominating organization or community. Interested candidates should submit their applications with the subject line "Application to the 202_ Minorities Fellowship" to mail minorityfellowships@ohchr.org or by mail:
Mr. Morse Caoagas Flores
Coordinator, Indigenous & Minorities Fellowship Programs
Indigenous Peoples and Minorities Indigenous Peoples and Minorities Section
Indigenous Peoples and Minorities Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
Human Rights Section 48, Avenue Giuseppe-Motta, Office 2-05
Human Rights Section, Geneva 10, Switzerland
Human Rights Watch CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland
The documents sent by e-mail must be signed, scanned and sent in a single PDF file.