New book out on how to help poor students get higher education
The problem of expensive education for the poor is still relevant in the United States. This is why Harvard professor Robert Putman put forward his proposals to support poor students.
The disadvantageous position of students from financially needy families should finally attract the attention of the leadership of educational institutions and force them to actively develop programs to increase scholarships. Professor Putnam said that the high cost of education in the United States is only a small fraction of what constitutes "educational inequality."
In his book, Our Children: The American Dream in Crisis, the problem of damaging the life opportunities of students from poor families long before entering the university is revealed - material inequality, emotional and intellectual framework.Their fate, in his opinion, is a foregone conclusion from the very birth.
Parents who cannot provide their children with a quality higher education, thereby isolating them from opportunities, while children from wealthy families, in addition to basic education, develop social activity that allows themmove further up the social ladder.
All the resources of universities are gradually becoming inaccessible to poor students, so they see the only solution only to leave the university.Colleges should invest in the social development of students, push them towards self-development and create a springboard for successful university studies.
Professor Putnam, studying education in different countries, came to the conclusion that the United States has advantages in the education of students from poor families, but this is only for the first few years, then the university does not give any benefits, which is why it is practically impossible to continue training.
But colleges are not the only solution to the problem, in his opinion: “Now Harvard and Swarthmore, if they want to get students with extraordinary thinking, but not very financially secured, it is necessary to invest in scholarshipsand social assistance to such citizens”.
In addition,Barack Obama has proposed making colleges absolutely free, which will improve the situation in poor families.