SMART system: how to set goals correctly

SMART is a goal setting system based on five principles.The name system is an abbreviation for principles.Besides, the word “smart” is translated from English as “smart”.This way we get smart planning or smart planning.

Meaning of SMART:

  • S (Specific) - specific end result;

  • M (Measurable) - clear parameters of target measurement;

  • A (Achievable) - the presence of skills, knowledge, money and other things to achieve the goal;

  • R (Relevant) - correlation of the goal with the real situation;

  • T (Time) - the end date of achieving the goal.

Now let's take a closer look at each of the criteria.

S - specifics

To achieve the goal, it is important to know what end result you want to get.If you write simply “concentrate on your studies,” you will not get any results.Better to write: "do all homework on time" or "study 3 hours every day."Instead of “pass exams” - “take 4 test exams every week”, “go to extra classes twice a week”.

If several people are involved in the implementation of the goal, it is important to agree on the goal with everyone.Otherwise, it may turn out that you are aiming for 100 points on the English exam, and your tutor is aiming for good essay writing and writing.

When setting goals using the SMART system, you see a clear picture of the goal and the way to achieve it.

M is measurable

Your goals should be easily measurable.These can be quantitative or qualitative indicators.From them you will understand whether the goal has been achieved or not.

You can use money, interest, frequency of actions, penalties and others for measurement.

You can set the goal to “passTOEFL / IELTS”.You sign up for it, prepare, but you don’t pass well.The goal is achieved, but you are not happy with the result.Therefore, it is important to prescribe the exact number of points that you want to receive or required for admission to a foreign university.

A - achievability

When setting goals, you need to think about whether you have the necessary resources for its implementation: skills, abilities, time, knowledge and more.

The goal can be easily achievable, that is, you already have all the necessary resources, or be in the zone of proximal development and you need to develop some skill or earn extra money to implement it.

If the goal seems unattainable, it is better to set an intermediate goal that is available to you.If a goal has been set and you are postponing it, you need to set the goal easier.

R - relevance

The goal must be real.It is impossible to graduate from school with honors if in the tenth grade you have three grades in most subjects or enter a well-known university with low results on the exam.At this stage, most of the goals are removed from the list, since they cannot be achieved under the existing circumstances.

Time-bound - time

Time frames help not to stretch the achievement of the goal indefinitely.The deadline makes you work faster and get things done.

Targets are divided into:

  • Short-term - up to 100 days;

  • Medium-term - from a quarter to a year;

  • Long-term - for a period of 1 year or more.

For long-term goals, it is worth setting goals-directions of movement.Setting long-term goals or goals for life using the SMART system is not worth it.

Believe in yourself

Positive attitude andself-confidence - important when setting goals for the SMART system.Support yourself: say you can do anything, achieve the desired results and be happy.

Always write down your dreams and goals.It is not always possible to achieve them, but the further path of your development, priorities and interests will be visible.The more you write, the more new ideas you will have!

An example of setting a goal

A prerequisite for working with the SMART system is its maximum concreteness and unambiguity.In order for a dream to become a goal, it is necessary to clearly analyze and write down tactical and strategic objectives, while defining priorities and criteria.Solving a problem is always a phased sequence of targeted actions that will result in the achievement of the main goal.

Suppose you want to enter a foreign university - write down this goal according to the SMART system:

  • Specifics: which universityyou want to enroll, what program, what language you want to study, do you need a scholarship, how much can you pay for tuition, what exams you need to take, what documents you need.

  • Measurability: exam results, scholarships or tuition discounts.

  • Achievability: do you know the desired language well, do you have the financial ability to pay for your studies or reasons for receiving a scholarship, are you ready to leave for another country.

  • Realism of the goal and its significance.You should understand what role the realization of this goal will play in your life or career.Correct motivation, argumentation of actions, which will allow or force to work more actively on the task, is very important.

  • Time: how much time do you need to prepare for the exams, when to take the language exam, when the subject, when the letters of recommendation will be written, the application deadline, when the interview.

  • ​​

As a result of the development of a SMART system according to our example, the following should be indicated:

  1. Which university do you want to enter and which exams you must pass.

  2. Units of measurement defined: pass exams in February, apply in May.

  3. List of required documents.

  4. Exam preparation resources: Self-study, courses, or tutoring.

  5. Determining the timing of the project.

The more detailed the description of the desired, the understanding of time and money costs and the ability to control at all stages, the higher the percentage of success in achieving the goal.

The result is a picture of a dream, which becomes a goal thanks to all the other points.This is the first stage of the SMART technique, then it is necessary to decompose the general goals into their component parts - subtasks.They should be presented in the form of an algorithm of actions.

Cheat Sheet

  • Be specific about what you want to do.

  • Avoid general words and use action verbs.

  • Be careful with the details.

  • Identify specific timelines by which progress can be measured.

  • Think about whether you have the necessary tools and skills to achieve your goal.

  • Make sure that achieving this objective is within your capabilities.

  • Check for any uncontrollable factors, if any.

  • Check the goal for the reality of achievement.

  • Consider whether the goal is practical and results-based.

  • Specify when the task should be completed.

  • Set dates using days, months, quarters.

2022-01-14 07:21:21
© Arina Ordina