How to stay productive all day long

Very soon students and schoolchildren will return to their universities and schools to gain new knowledge. One of the most difficult things in the learning process, as well as work, is maintaining concentration and completing all the necessary tasks. These two things are often a criterion for a productive day, but not always and not everyone succeeds in fully immersing themselves in the work process. For those who find it difficult to concentrate on important tasks, we have prepared a list of tips for solving this problem.

Make a plan for the whole week

People often don't look at the big picture of time and schedule, which is especially important for achieving long-term goals.It is necessary to plan not only your day, but also the week, and month, and year, in order to see how far you are before reaching the final goal or deadline. Research shows that people spend their time more wisely when they stick to a specific course of action.

Some people think that it is enough just to make a plan in your head, but it is not so necessary to write things down so as not to forget about them and not to evade their implementation.

Say no to multitasking

Multitasking hits performance hard, a person's memory becomes worse, both working and long-term. Absent-mindedness also increases, people are more likely to be distracted. Students who multitask in their laptops during lectures score lower on exams. Also, as a result of multitasking, students are under chronic stress, which certainly affects their studies and results. What's more, people who multitask frequently tend to become depressed and more anxious.

Take regular breaks

I think I won't surprise you much if I say that a person cannot concentrate only onone task. Remember to take a break after completing the next task in order to remain effective further.

At lunchtime, try to get out into the fresh air, rather than just dine in the dining room. During the day, you can carry documents with your own hands to stretch your legs. For those who find it difficult to find time for rest, there is the Pomodoro technique, in which 25 minutes are allotted to deep, concentrated work, and then there is a 5-minute rest. This method not only allows you to find time for rest, but also to work more efficiently in short periods of time.


Meditation and concentration exercises are a great way to refresh your thoughts throughout the day. Research shows that even a few minutes of meditation a day can reduce stress levels and improve concentration. By meditating, you stop worrying so much about school or deadlines, and it saves a lot of energy and emotion and makes you less stressed.

Set hard boundaries

You need clear boundaries if you wantmaintain a balance between work and personal life. Create your ideal schedule, keeping in mind that work and study should not be occupied absolutely all of your time. You should feel like everything is on schedule.

Anything that increases a sense of control over a situation, whether it increases control itself or not, will help you reduce your stress levels. Without stress, your brain focuses more effectively on the task at hand.

Do less

Ask yourself which tasks are of the highest priority and importance to you, and then eliminate the rest as much as possible.

If you want to be more successful, do less better, better.People always say yes to too many tasks. But saying no is very important if you want to achievemaximum results in a short time. A small number of tasks allows you to fully concentrate on their implementation and solve them faster, better and better.


Physical activity directly affects our productivity, it makes our brain work better and faster. If you feel like you can't concentrate, then try doing a couple of squats or flexibility exercises.10 minutes of physical activity will significantly improve your performance.

A walk in the fresh air will have a more beneficial effect on your attention. In warmth, the processes in our body slow down, which makes us feel less vigorous and often cannot, if necessary, quickly gain the speed necessary for work. So don't spend all day in the building - take a walk down the street. Also, during work, you can go to an open window and stay near it for a couple of minutes so that the brain receives the oxygen it needs.

Drink more water

Water adds energy, speeds up metabolism, helpsthink, suppresses appetite, reduces the risk of many diseases. Dehydration leads to a decrease in blood volume and, as a result, to constant fatigue.It is also beneficial for the normal course of metabolism and the release of energy from food. Drinking enough water improves mental and physical activity, and water energizes our bodies with energy that we spend on school, work and daily activities.

Use an afternoon nap

This method has been proven to be effective many times. Even fifteen minutes of such rest will allow you to get a boost of energy for several more hours. This is perhaps the most rewarding and effective way to regain your productivity. Such a short nap not only increases concentration, but also improves memory, strengthens the nervous system and willpower, stimulates creativity and perfectly replaces coffee. The bottom line is that during this time the brain has time to"Reboot" and rest. And then work more productively. Of course, not everyone has such an opportunity, but that the method that is worthwhile is being assured not only by numerous Western personal productivity consultants, but also by Russian ones.

Do not stay up at night

Even if you took a nap during the day, thisis not yet a reason to take time from your night sleep.For most people, 6-8 hours of sleep is a must in order to regain their strength.

It's tempting to put off the hang-up time to get a little more done. But having a good night's sleep, you will be able to cope with your tasks two or even three times faster, that is, you will save much more time. It's not for nothing that most time management books begin with chapters on relaxation. Sleep enhances concentration, attention, decision-making skills, creativity, reduces mood swings, stress, anger and impulsivity.

Use the reward system

The reward system for yourself works very well if you get used to using it. Finish a big, challenging activity and then indulge in a great cup of coffee and a small cake.Complete another task and head to YouTube to watch the video. The encouragement can not only be independent, but you can ask your parents to buy you something if you pass the test or exam well.

Tiny incentives make us more productive and motivate us to get things done as soon as possible. Remember that the reward must correspond to the task, for example, passed the test - bought yourself a chocolate bar, passed the exam - bought a cake.

2022-01-14 07:20:03
© Arina Ordina