Third annual street photography exhibition "Street Shooting Around the World", 2017

In 2017, the annual Street Shooting Around the World exhibition will be held for the third time.The exhibition will take place in Los Angeles from February 3 to March 10, 2017. To apply for participation in the exhibition, you need to pay a fee. The fee depends on how many works you submit for participation in the exhibition. To send one photo to the exhibition costs $ 25, from two to five - $ 50, from six to ten - $ 75.

At the exhibition, the jury will select the three most original and high-quality works, the authors of which will be awarded prizes.


First place - 1000 $.

Please note that the first place is awarded for several works at once. In order to qualify for the first place, it is necessary to send at least six works to the exhibition.

Second place - a $ 500 grant for any LACP (Los Angeles Photography Center) intensive course. The second place is awarded for one work.

Third place - unknown.

Requirements for participants:

Anyone can take part in the exhibition, regardless of their professional level or place of residence.

How to take part in the exhibition?

To enter the exhibition, follow the instructions below:

  1. Make sure each image is 1200 pixels wide.long side at 72 dpi.

  2. Name each file as follows: Firstname_Lastname_01, Firstname_Lastname_02, and so on.Use the Latin alphabet.

  3. Save each file as jpg.

  4. Send all files in one email to

  5. In the subject line, write “2017 STREET SHOOTING AROUND THE WORLD EXHIBITION ENTRY”

  6. Indicate your phone number in the body of the letter.

  7. Pay the fee on site exhibition

Submission of works ends on December 12, 2016.

If your work has been approved, you will be notified by December 23rd, after which you will need to submit your work to the Los Angeles Center of Photography, 1515 Wilcox Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90028. The rules for registration of work can be found on site

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