State flag leaves Mississippi University campus

After several days of a strike by University of Mississippi students, who were subsequently supported by faculty members, the Confederate flag was removed from campus. The reason for the massive discontent was the fact that many considered the emblem of the Confederates, present on the flag, a manifestation of disrespect - religious and racial discrimination.

In this regard, the President of the University, Maurice Stokes, decided to remove the flag on the territory of the University.

On the Mississippi flag in the upper left corner there is an image of the Confederate flag, namely a blue cross with the image of 13 stars, this is the number of states that opposed the northern states during the war.

Maurice Stokes, President of the University, commented on his actions as follows:

“The University of Mississippi is, of course, flagship and we respect the symbols of our state.This decision was very difficult. There are different opinions: for some it is a symbol of tradition and honor. But for others, it can mean an unequal attitude of the university towards different nationalities, and this is unacceptable. "

The insignia of the flag was approved and remained unchanged, but the image of the Confederation became a hot issue after the incident that occurred in the summer.Nine African Americans were killed at the Church of Charleston. The perpetrator showed his racial hatred in every possible way on social networks, posing in front of the Confederate flag.

2022-01-14 07:14:21
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