Study at the best universities in the world

Harvard, Sorbonne, Oxford... The list of the best universities in the world can be supplemented and, finally, you can choose a suitable educational institution. But to say "choose" is not to say anything. To study at the best university in the world, all applicants go through fire and water - endless years of preparation, passing the most difficult tests and examinations, sleepless nights waiting for the results. However, if you are not afraid of any obstacles and studying at a prestigious university abroad is your long-held dream, then why not dare to start collecting documents? We've gathered some interesting facts about applying to and studying at the best schools.

Harvard University

Harvard is the oldest university USA, which was founded in 1636. To enter this university, a foreign (including Russian) applicant will have to pay approximately 42 thousand dollars a year, but it should be noted that about two-thirds of the students receive government financial aid. The Harvard applicant must necessarily have studied at an American school for two years with excellent results and also, of course, pass the entrance exams with the same excellent results. In addition, you need to carry at least two professors' recommendations, ACT or SAT scores, and a high school diploma.

Harvard has several museums of its own, including botanical, comparative zoology, mineralogy and geology, archaeology, and ethnology, in addition to its nine faculties. Also on campus you can find the world's largest research library and a botanical garden next to a forest that is constantly explored by biologists.

Why does everyone want to study at Harvard?

If only because about 3,000 different courses are taught here, eight U.S. presidents have studied here, and those who became billionaires after graduation.


The Sorbonne currently includes thirteen universities in different fields. One of the perks of studying at this prestigious French university is the flexibility of the schedule, which allows the student to combine study and work. Studying here costs from 250 to 1000 euros a year, and foreigners can try to get a scholarship. To enroll here, you must at least have graduated from a Russian university.

Why does everyone want to study at the Sorbonne?

Because studying at a medieval university according to medieval canons is probably the dream of every diligent Russian applicant and student. For many, the Sorbonne is something out of the realm of fiction, but sometimes dreams do come true. Who wouldn't want to study at the Amphitheatre?

London School of Economics and Political Science

London School of Economics and Political Science is among the top three universities in Great Britain. Two-thirds of international students study here, which can be explained by a classic exchange policy with higher education institutions around the world. An international student will have to pay approximately 7,800 pounds for studying here, and he will have to spend approximately the same amount for various expenses - from accommodation to meals. It should be noted that Russian students have the opportunity to receive a scholarship from 250 to 2000 sterling.

Why does everyone want to study at the London School of Economics?

While studying the London School of Economics and Political Science students will be lectured by the most famous politicians, economists and public figures from other similar spheres. In addition, the school is home to the British Library of Political and Economic Sciences, which has a collection of more than five million publications on economics.

Heidelberg University

Heidelberg University is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning in Europe. According to legend, Dr. Faust himself studied here, and it is known that the last Russian Empress Alexandra Fedorovna studied there. A prerequisite for applying for training is knowledge of German, at least at the Mittelstufe I level. To receive the required certificate in Russia, you must pass the exam at the Goethe Institute in Moscow, or in other cities in Russia, where there are branches. Training here is free for citizens of Germany, as well as for Russian students. It should be noted that if the applicant delivers a certificate with excellent TestAS results when applying, he or she will have advantages over all other applicants.

Why does everyone want to study at Heidelberg University?

As is known, Heidelberg University is one of the most prestigious and influential research universities in the world. Training here is free, and in order to be admitted as a Russian student, he or she only needs to spend two years at a Russian university in the field in which they wish to study at Heidelberg University.

University of Australia

The National University of Australia is one of the most recognized universities in the world. It was included in three international rankings simultaneously and was named the best national university. Studying here costs from 23 to 28 thousand dollars. Scholarships are awarded to several international students per year. Students must show college and high school diplomas with excellent grades and TOEFL or IELTS scores when applying.

Why does everyone want to study at the Australian National University?

This university, the leading university Australia, was named the best university in the country in 2006. Interestingly, several Nobel Prize winners have studied here, Kevin Rudd, former Australian prime minister and scientists in the fields of astronomy, mathematics and history.

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