Weimar-Princeton Summer School "Problems of Media Anthropology", Weimar, Germany

In 2017, the Weimar-Princeton Summer School, a joint project of the Bauhaus University in Weimar and Princeton University, will open for the seventh time. The seventh summer school is dedicated to the relationship between human nature and the media. Particular attention will be paid to the issues of coexistence and co-development of human nature and the media, since without realizing this connection it is impossible to study humanity and media as separate objects.

The Summer School lasts a week and opens on June 10, 2017 in Weimar, Germany.

Applications for the Summer School are accepted from outstanding doctoral students with degrees in media or related fields such as film studies, philology, philosophy, art history, architecture, sociology, politics, historyscience and cultural studies.

In order to apply for participation in the summer school, you need to send the following list of documents to ikkm-conference@uni-weimar.de:

  1. Motivation letter (no longer than 300 words);

  2. Summary (CV);

  3. An excerpt from your possible speech at the summer school (no longer than 450 words);

  4. Contacts of two referees.

The application for participation in the summer school must be sent by January 1, 2017.

Summer School participants will be required to pay a fee covering tuition, room and board, and study materials. A fee of 600 € must be paid by 28 March 2017.

A limited number of summer school participants can apply for funding for tickets to Weimar. More detailed information about this will appear after consideration of applications.

More information about the Summer School program and application can be found on the official website

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