Paid International School in Vilnius

Transparency International School on Integrity is an annual summer school that prepares future leaders to fight corruption and be accountable. This year, training will take place from 8 to 14 July 2019 in the capital of Lithuania - Vilnius. The school will introduce its participants to the latest developments in the field of anti-corruption and accountability, as well as offer real opportunities to translate their ideas into practice.

After careful selection, students spend 7 intensive days learning from leading anti-corruption and accountability experts. The School of Transparency seeks to create an environment for peer learning and building integrity that links theory to practice and helps young leaders acquire skills that make it easier to disseminate anti-corruption awareness.

Participants will be offered lectures, seminars, trainings and excursions, which will combine the acquisition of knowledge from international professionals and the pleasure of the beauty of Vilnius. New methods and approaches in teaching will allow students to look at the subject from a new point of view and voice their own, completely new ideas for solving the assigned tasks.Since 2010, the School has hosted over 1000 youth leaders from over 120 countries.


The School of Transparency is designed for senior students, graduates and young professionals under the age of 35 who want to learn to resist corruption and achievegreater financial transparency in your country.

The scholarship can be obtained by citizens of the following countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Iceland, Latvia, Moldova, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Sweden, Turkey and Ukraine.

The school does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, sex, gender identity, religion, political opinion, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or any other reason...

Knowledge requirements

The school was organized in cooperation with the Mykolas Romeris School of Law. At the end of the course, students receive 6 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits. It should be remembered that participants come to the School primarily for training, and it would be better if they take additional preparatory courses before starting the School. The materials for the reading of the course are published in advance, so you can get all the necessary knowledge before starting the School.

The school was organized in cooperation with Mykolas Romeris University in Vilnius.Its mission is to educate young people to be creative, innovative and productive members of society in all fields, from science to culture and technology. Currently, MRU has about 9,000 students and more than 700 teachers.


Summer school pays for: travel to Lithuania, school fees and accommodation.

BUT!If you plan to receive a full scholarship, then you must apply as soon as possible, otherwise you will be offered a scholarship that only partially covers the costs.

Tuition fee without scholarship - 700 € (this amount includes tuition, accommodation, meals and participation in extracurricular activities)


To participate in the school, you must fill out an online application and submit a letter of motivation and a European CV

2022-01-14 07:21:41
© Svetlana Panova