Summer camp in Germany

20 citizens from EU countries and neighboring partner countries will be selected to participate in the camp in Germany (the list includes Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine). The international training will take place from 3 to 11 August.

Political activists, youth leaders, and those who work with youth can participate in the project.

During the training, participants will get acquainted with new project management tools and effective PR strategies, work in groups, learn to interact with participants from different countries, and collectively find answers to difficult questions.


- good knowledge of English (B2 +);

- citizens of EU countries and citizens of neighboring partner countries can take part in the program;

- experience in social and youth projects is required, as well as a desire to share their experience and knowledge with participants from other countries.

A fee of € 40 to € 70 is required (depending on the country of the participant). The organizers provide free room and board, as well as the necessary educational materials. Transportation costs are covered by 70%. You can apply until May 12. Those who passed the first round will be interviewed by the organizers at the end of May. The results will be announced in June.

2022-01-14 07:23:01
© Julia Safonova