How to Prepare for TOEFL: Free Resources and Helpful Tips
TOEFL is one of the most popular examinations for determining the level of English among foreigners.It has already been passed by 35 million people from 150 countries.The results are accepted by universities around the world - in the USA, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, France, Germany. The goals are different for everyone - someone needs TOEFL for employment, someone needs to apply for a scholarship.There are those who take the test from time to time just for themselves, in order to track their progress in learning English. On the site you can see the cities in which testing is taking place, as well as the schedule.
Where to start preparing for TOEFL? First of all, carefully study all the information on the official website.Here you can find both paid and free educational materials - all of them are collected in section "Prepare". On the site you can see sample questions, tests, interactive programs, as well as tips and video tutorials .
Exam English
This site contains useful materials to prepare for various language exams.
Not full
Watch the video on the main page first to get acquainted with this resource and select the most interesting sections.
Learn 4 good
Here you will find grammar rules, exercises and a free test to determine your English level.
English stuff
English proficiency tests on this site can be taken temporarily.
Kenton County Adult English as a Second Language
Youtube channel with useful videos for those who plan to takeTOEFL.
English with Jennifer
Here are collected educational videos from Jennifer for foreigners learning English.
Good luck TOEFL
On this site you can read the details about each testing section and see sample essays.
7 tips from those who have successfully passed the TOEFL:
1It is better to set aside at least 2 months for preparation.
2. Identify your weaknesses by passing the sample tests, pay more attention to those sections that did the worst.
3. Use tutorials and materials to prepare specifically for TOEFL.
4. Read popular science publications (Scientific American ,Science New sand others).
5. Watch daily videos in English for at least 15-20 minutes - for example, channel TED .
6. Listen to free audio recordings of lectures from the world's leading universities.
7. Set yourself a language goal every week and track your results.