10 funniest and weirdest universities

Beijing normal university

Is there an abnormal one?

The name of the university in English raises suspicion - is it really implied that somewhere there is an "abnormal" university?However, in Russian, the educational institution is called quite ordinary - Beijing Pedagogical University.The fact is that at the beginning of the 20th century, special institutes for the training of school teachers were called "normal" schools - it was on the basis of such an institution as part of the Imperial University of Beijing that the Beijing normal university arose.A similar story is at the Higher Normal School in Paris, which originally arose to train teachers.Today, the university trains not only teachers, but at the same time retains its name as a tribute to tradition.The programs in the field of the humanities are especially famous: for example, in the field of linguistics, the study of modern languages ​​and pedagogy, the university is among the hundred best in the world according to QS.

Royal Roads University

The best graduates are sent to practice on Russian roads

In fact, the university is not an analogue of the Russian MIIT or MADI or the French National School of Bridges and Roads.It is a small Canadian university, originally created as a military academy, but turned in 1995 into a civilian educational institution.About 2,500 students study here, studying in such specialties as business, ecology and communication.The university still maintains fairly close ties with the Canadian army, but it is no longer a military university.

Colgate University

Private School for Dentists

Amazingbut the Colgate company still has a certain relation to the name of the university - since the beginning of the 19th century, representatives of the Colgate family, who founded the company of the same name in 1806, generously sponsored the new university.Today it is the so-called Liberal arts college - an educational institution that offers bachelor's programs and does not spend a lotthe amount of funds for research.US News and World Report ranked the university as the 19th largest liberal arts colleges in the United States.

Transylvania University

Offer Master's programs in Vampire Studies?

Alas, a university with such an attractive name not only has nothing to do with Dracula, but is not even located in Romania.It is just a private university in Kentucky, founded in 1780, famous for the fact that 2 vice presidents, 50 senators and 36 governors of the United States became its alumni.Today the university offers programs in 38 areas in various fields of science, but, alas, Vampire Studies is not among them.

Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua

Everything for the dog breeder

The university and the famous dog breed have common roots - the university is located in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, where the dog breed was first discovered, in the Russian tradition bearing the name Chihuahua.However, in addition to the name, the university cannot boast of something remarkable: it is a medium-sized university, founded in the middle of the 20th century, offering classic university curricula - from mathematics to literature.

Bowling Green State University

Bowling as an academic discipline

Despite the fact that bowling in the United States is much more popular than in Russia, there is no special university for training specialists even there.The thing is that the university is located in a place called Bowling Green, in Ohio.The university itself is a public university, with predominantly Ohio students (85%), and is a fairly typical American university.Education here is conducted in more than 200 specialties, and student life is traditional for the United States - for example, about 10% of students are members of "Greek" communities - fraternities and sisterhoods, which we know mainly from American films.

University of Reading

Not valid without a writing diploma

Howit usually happens, the secret of the name is that the university is located in a British city called Reading.The university is often ranked among the so-called "red brick universities" - a group of six prestigious English universities.The university is ranked 175 in the ranking of the best universities in the world according to QS and offers particularly strong programs in agriculture (12th in the world), archeology (29th) and socio-economic development (42nd).

University of Notre Dame du Lac

French charm in the American province

The name of the university immediately reminds of Paris, but one should not make hasty conclusions: in fact, the university is located in Indiana, in the USA.The University of Notre Dame is a private Catholic university, and until 1972 only men could become its students.The university is well known both in the United States and abroad, and offers training in both the humanities and natural sciences.

Miami University of Ohio

And again - geographic deception

Without reading the name too carefully, one can imagine that the university is located in sunny Miami, which, of course, is not true - it is (unexpectedly) located in Oxford.However, again, not in the Oxford that you might think of, but in a small town with that name in Ohio.Yes, the state of Ohio is the one you thought of, there is no more deception here.More than 17,000 students from 77 countries study at the university.In a qualitatively curious and unusual detail for the Russian reader, it is worth noting the presence of a farm business school in the structure of the university - the real geographical context still affects.

Mars Hill University

University for astronauts

The romantic mention of the Martian Hill, of course, has nothing to do with the planet, to which some of the inhabitants of the Earth are so eager to go.The university is very small, with only 1,200 students, and if it weren't for the name, you would hardly have heard anything about it.The university offers primarily bachelor's programs, and only one - master's, which, however, is typical for small colleges in the United States.

2022-01-14 07:15:49
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