Best business books

Starting your own business is not easy. Especially if you are new to this area.Let it all go by itself, the idea is so-so.It is better to develop at least a small base before starting a business.

If you have not found suitable courses yet, and you need basic knowledge right now, take up the literature on your own. Moreover, now there are a lot of books about business.Here are the top 5 of them. Choose what you like and start reading.

“Blue ocean strategy.How to find or create a market free from other players ”

Authors: Chan Kim, Rene Mauborn

Will be interesting for: everyone who dreamsabout your business

You can read motivating words about how to take the first steps in your personal business and how to achieve success in absolutely every book. Blue Ocean Strategy will tell you a lot more.

The authors share their knowledge about creating a market without competition. At the same time, they tell the stories of real companies using their advice. In general, the whole theory is reinforced by practice and examples. Quite informative and useful for both beginners and professionals.

"This is a client, you idiot!"

Author: Michael On

It will be interesting for: those who are still focused on working with clients

The main thing in any business is focus on customers and the ability to work with them.Once you learn to listen and hear your customers, things will go uphill.

In this book, you will learn what mistakes entrepreneurs make when communicating with customers most often.27 recommendations of the author will help you avoid them.

“Startup Guide.How to start and ... not close your Internet business ”

Authors: 25 successfulstartups

Will be interesting for: beginners

How many startups abandon their projects when faced with the first difficulties.If you do not feel like repeating this fate, then read this book before starting a business.Its authors will teach you to overcome all obstacles and not abandon the idea.All without unnecessary water and with many examples.There will be more practice here than theory.

“My life, my achievements”

Author: Henry Ford

It will be interesting for: future businessmen, and indeed for everyone

This book can easily become your favorite.It is suitable for absolutely everyone. It's just that some will read it with a pencil in hand, writing out every advice from Ford, while others will find in "My Life" fascinating reading for the weekend.

The author of the book, Henry Ford, talks about how he built his own company, how he managed it and what methods he preferred to use in his work. Despite the fact that "My Life, My Achievements" was written in the last century, it does not lose its relevance to this day.

“How to Make Friends and Influence People”

By Dale Carnegie

It will be interesting: even for non-entrepreneurs

Another book aimed at a large audience.It is not even so much about business as about our life. After reading it, you will get rid of half of your problems. Why? It's simple. Carnegie will teach you how to communicate correctly with others, and this includes clients, customers and relatives. Memorize all the tips and tricks from the book.

Found a book for yourself? Then save the list so you don't forget to read

2022-01-14 07:21:53
© Maria Svetlakova