6 reasons new habits don't work

Mistake # 1: too many changes at once

If you want to change everything at once, forget about it,because it won't work.Habits are not formed in a second.This is not the easiest and fastest process.With time and experience, you will understand how to develop a habit correctly, where to start this process.In the beginning, the body learns to do something new and unusual, creating new neural connections.It would be easier for him to stop and return to his usual routine.New habits require energy and strength.Therefore, if you try to develop several habits at once, you will give the body an overly difficult task.It is worth picking one habit and working it out carefully.

Mistake # 2: You don’t know why this habit is needed at all

Remember this feeling when you are excited and ready to start developing a new habit?This source of motivation is something you can nurture anytime you want.The problem is, we don't know how to get it back when we want to.Motivation comes and goes.Therefore, it is important to know the specific goal.For example, why play sports?“I want to look good in the mirror” or “I want to eat whatever I like and still look good” are too general phrases.For example, a specific reason that will really motivate might be “I want to have the energy to be around the kids when they grow up so that I can be a good parent. My parents worked so hard and were always tired by then.when you could spend time with me. "Go beyond superficial reasons.Every time you feel like giving up everything, remember to what goal you are going.

Mistake # 3: starting with a habit that is too serious

One of the hardest parts of developing habits is starting to behave differently.It is necessarya lot of motivation to, for example, go to the gym and workout after a long and hard day at work, but once you start a workout, it doesn't take a lot of willpower to complete it.This is why one of the best decisions you can make to create a new lifestyle and behavior is to start with a small habit.For example, if you want to run 10 kilometers, start running at least 1 kilometer a day.

Mistake # 4: choosing a habit you don't like

If, when you think of a new habit, you don't feel the enthusiasm and energy to develop it,and even more so, if you feel an internal rejection, you just should not choose it.You will have to force yourself to do something every day.This scheme will work until you get tired of it and you don't get tired of constantly moving against your desires.Combine business with pleasure.Choose a habit that will benefit and enjoy you.For example, you don't have to force yourself to run if you don't like it.There are many activities to keep you fit: like aerobics, dancing, swimming, yoga - there are a lot of options.Think of developing a habit as a game or experiment: find an activity that you would like to do anyway.

Mistake # 5: quit if you missed it several times

We missed a couple of days and that's it, let's throw it.It's important to remember that everyone has a habit-forming failure!Sometimes it is completely up to you, and sometimes the outside world gets in the way.The main thing is not to start scolding yourself, but simply to continue what you worked on.Sometimes you need to change your strategy or start over altogether, and sometimes you just need to rest and continue.
Mistake # 6: do not change what surrounds you
In order for the new model of behavior to become morehabitual, choose or create an environment that will positively influence new habits.Quite often, our behavior is a reaction to what is happening around us.Therefore, that lifestyle, demeanor, preferences and much more appeared largely due to the fact that surrounds you every day.
2022-01-14 07:21:20
© Anastasiia Berezhnaia