Levels: Bachelor, Master, PhD
Tests needed: IELTS, TOEFL
Tuition: Partial coverage
Finaid max: 2500  AUD

Bond University offers high academic achievers applying to study at an undergraduate level for a bachelor's degree, with tuition remission scholarships. International Undergraduate Excellence Scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and are a testament to Bond University’s commitment to quality and outstanding international students.


Finaid max: 2500  AUD


Recipients of the Undergraduate Excellence Scholarship are awarded with 50% tuition remission for their chosen program.

Students applying for Bond University’s Medical Program are not eligible to apply for this scholarship

Recipients of the Undergraduate Excellence Scholarship are awarded with 50% tuition remission for their chosen program.

Students applying for Bond University’s Medical Program are not eligible to apply for this scholarship

To be considered, applicants must:

  • Have submitted the Bond University Online Application Form to apply for chosen program. Students applying for Bond University’s Medical Program are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.
  • Have achieved academic excellence in the top percentile from your high school qualification (for example, IB Diploma score of 38 or higher, minimum ATAR of 96) or equivalent.
  • Complete and submit a scholarship application form by the scholarship application closing date relevant to chosen starting semester. See further details on the scholarship application process in the How to Apply section below.
  • Not have already commenced undergraduate studies at Bond University.
  • Those studying English at Bond University College as part of a packaged Offer are still eligible to apply.

The successful award recipient must:

  • comply with Bond’s general scholarship terms and conditions
  • maintain a minimum average of 65% or better in their program
  • be enrolled on a full-time basis
  • participate in promotional activities arranged by the University.

Awards are non-transferrable and cannot be redeemed for cash.

Acceptance of the award implies agreement to meet these obligations.
