Level: MBA
Tests needed: GMAT, GRE, IELTS, TOEFL
Tuition: Full coverage
Deadline: Jun 30, 2025
Duration max: 12  months

A scholarship is financial support awarded by an academic institution to a student on the basis of academic merit. A key consideration in our selection of Henley's Flexible Executive MBA Scholarship awards will therefore be the degree to which we believe the candidate will make a significant contribution to the quality of the Henley MBA programme.

Finaid max:  GBP


Several awards are available including two x 100% awards. Scholarships cannot be transferred to another intake if a student chooses to defer their entry.

Several awards are available including two x 100% awards. Scholarships cannot be transferred to another intake if a student chooses to defer their entry.

Candidates must hold an unconditional offer for the March intake of the Flexible Executive MBA programme. We are looking for exceptional candidates who will add considerable value to the programme based on an outstanding academic or professional background.

Scholarships are awarded by an academic panel of Henley Business School whose decision is final and not open to discussion or appeal by applicants.

To apply for this scholarship candidates are required to write an 800-word piece entitled "What will you contribute to the Henley Business School MBA community?". Please write your essay on the application form which can be downloaded at the top of this page and return it to Anna Kite, anna.kite@henley.ac.uk, attaching a copy of your CV.


