Computing Science is the science of computational processes and information systems. It studies concepts like algorithm, language, information, complexity, and system design as well as the application of these concepts to areas like human communications, medicine, security, the sciences, business operations, and entertainment. In this program, youпПХll explore creative ways to solve problems as you discover how computers and computer systems work. YouпПХll also develop other marketable skills such as analytical reasoning, advanced numeracy, computer languages like C++ and Java, software design and development, project management, and communications.Computer Science programs at colleges typically teach computer languages in demand at the time of instruction. We go beyond that пПС teaching these skills, plus the foundational principals that tie programs and computing systems together. This approach gives our students the ability to easily learn new languages as they are developed in the future and the opportunity to work within a much broader range of programs and software after graduation.

Field of study: Computer Science

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