What else attracts students to British universities besides quality education?
Students applying to British universities this fall: forget about the quality of teaching and graduate employment rates at the chosen university - this year it is all aboutnight life. Surveys conducted among several thousand British students showed that fans of night parties are better off choosing universities in the north of the country, in particular Northumbria University and Newcastle University, which occupy the first place in this ranking.
And those who are passionate about politics or creativity are waiting for universities in the south: SOAS, University of London will help political activists find like-minded people, and Falmouth University, London University of the Arts and University of the Arts in Norwich share the first place among the creative universities in Britain. The survey also revealed which universities are famous for the best sports clubs and student movements. So, the most active student movement is in the University of Leeds, and the most athletic was Loughborough University.
The final results of the survey
The brightest nightlife
Top Student Movements
Top Political Clubs
Most Creative Atmosphere
Norwich University of the Arts
University of Bath Spa
Top Sports Clubs
Best overall overall
University of Sheffield