Three tips for applicants from Malia Obama

You don’t have to be the daughter of the President of the United States to choose a college wisely

Even life in the White House does not exempt you from a difficultcollege admission tasks.And the media attention to the big decision that 17-year-old Malia Obama will have to make, by contrast, only adds to the stress.

According toThe New York Times , Malia has attended six of the eight Ivy League universities: Brown, Columbia, Harvard, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania and Yale, and in addition - Stanford, University of California-Berkeley, New York University, Barnard, Wesleyan and Tufts.

What advice did the president's daughter give? “I told her not to worry too much about going to a particular college,” her father said at a meeting with high school students in Iowa a month ago. “If a university is not expensive, not famous, and its name is not a brand, this does not mean that one cannot get an excellent education there.”

However, we could not help but notice that all the universities that Malia is reported to have visited are just very expensive, famous and famous.In addition, with such parents and a secondary education received in an elite school, Malia hardly needs to worry that even the most coveted university will refuse to accept her. The New York Times even named her “Possibly the Most Successful Applicant of 2016”.

But if you cannot write in a motivation letter about personal experiences with people like Nelson Mandela orMalala Yusufzai, you have available - and you should take advantage of them - other steps from the tactics of choosing a university for Malia Obama.

1. Visit the campus

Travel around a dozen campuses in different parts of the country, as Malia did, from a financial point of view it can be far awaynot for everyone, but if possible it is worth seeing at least a few. Student recruitment experts believe that visiting a campus is the best way to determine if a college is right for you. And it's better to go to different universities. Yes, Malia has elite educational institutions available. More importantly, it was a mix of different West Coast and East Coast colleges, private and public, big city or tiny private. It’s hard to realize, for example, that you’ll like a secluded, traditional campus more than a university in a metropolis, or vice versa, until you’ve visited both.

Malia prudently attended many of the colleges she is interested in prior to the start of her last academic year at school, when application deadlines begin looming on the horizon.

2. Connect social media

Don't have likes in your feed from Olivia Moseley, a Harvard graduate student and niece of the former deputy secretary of state and deputythe head of CNN's Washington bureau, with whom Malia dined while attending university, but in addition to the formal college tour, it's worth making acquaintances on campus. This will give a more detailed picture of the daily life of the university.Ask if students have the opportunity to reach out to teachers or academic advisors when they need their advice.Experience the vibe on campus by learning what people usually do on Friday nights.Take an interest in activities other than study. For example, will you be able to fit into the life of a sports freak on campus if you're not a gym fan? It is especially helpful to talk to someone who shares your academic and career interests.

3. Don't let your parents decide for themselves

Malia's parents' connections at Harvard, Columbia and Princeton may influence her decision, but studying some colleges without a mom and dad helps the girl form her own grades.It is clear that most likely the first lady does not always accompany Malia because of her busy schedule, and President Obama's security probably distracts from the excursion somewhat. But even if you're on your way to get to know college with your normal parents, ask them to keep their opinions to themselves until you get to yours.Separate from them after the tour and walk around the area on your own. Of course, listening to the advice of your elders is also necessary - especially if they pay tuition fees - but make sure that you choose the one that suits you.

Translated by Alena Makhneva

2022-01-14 07:14:18
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