Economics of the Middle East (EMEA)

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
301–350 place StudyQA ranking:4642 Duration:2 years

Photos of university / #philippsunimarburg

EMEA is a unique Master's programme designed for students who want to acquire a solid foundation in economic analysis in combination with specific knowledge about the economies of the MENA region.

For this purpose, EMEA combines an academic focus with hands-on regional experience: lectures take place at Philipps-Universität Marburg and at Lebanese American University (LAU). The fourth semester can be combined with a six-months stay in the MENA region.

How does EMEA work?
  • Four semesters with a total of 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits
  • Graduate-level economics and introductory MENA Economics followed by specialised courses
  • Economics and interdisciplinary electives facilitate specialisation according to individual interests

How much does the programme cost?
  • Fees of approx. 8,500 USD are charged for the semester at LAU
  • A semester fee of approx. 300 EUR is charged for each programme semester
  • Teaching or research assistantships are available for promising students

Educational organisation

First Semester | Philipps-Universität (30 ECTS)
October - March
  • Graduate-level courses in economics
  • Introductory course in MENA Economics

Second Semester | Philipps-Universität (30 ECTS)
April - September
  • Specialised courses in economics
  • Advanced courses in MENA Economics

Third Semester | LAU (30 ECTS)
September - March
  • Advanced courses in MENA Economics
  • Politics of the MENA region

Fourth Semester | MENA Region or Marburg (30 ECTS)
April - September
  • Master's Thesis

Study abroad unit(s)

The first and second semester take place in Marburg, Germany. The third semester takes place at LAU in Lebanon. The fourth semester can be spent in a country of the MENA region or in Marburg.

Forms of assessment

Written or oral examinations depending on the specific course.

Course objectives

  • Joint degree (MSc) tailored to the job market for economists with in-depth regional expertise
  • Unique combination of economics and economic topics specifically related to the Middle East
  • Small class size and regular exchange with teaching staff facilitate study success
  • Key qualifications by means of application training, intensive tutorial work, and essay writing
  • Extracurricular activities provide insights and hands-on experience
  • Development of intercultural competences through an international class and semesters abroad

Language requirements

English language skills of at least C1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) or equivalent are required. Following language certificates can be provided as proof of the required language skills:
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Internet-based (0-120 points): min. 95 points
  • Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) (10-990 points): min. 945 points
  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS): min. 7.0 IELTS
  • English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) (Cambridge University): Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
Candidates who have previously completed their university studies in English are exempted from the above requirement, but they have to provide a statement from their university certifying that the language of study was English. Applicants whose first language is English are also exempted from providing a language certificate.

Academic requirements

There is a set of requirements that applicants have to fulfil. These requirements are:
  • First degree with a focus on economics (all applicants)
  • English language certificate of at least level C1 (all applicants)
  • Two letters of reference (all applicants)
  • Minimum grade requirement (all applicants, please see our homepage for details)

First degree with a focus on economics (all applicants)
The minimum academic qualification is a Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) with a focus on economics. Applicants must have acquired at least 72 credits within the framework of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in economics-related subjects. Out of these, at least 54 ECTS have to be in the field of economics, while up to 18 ECTS may be obtained from related subjects (e.g. statistics, maths for economists, etc.).
Please note that you should have a sound understanding of mathematical and statistical methods that are usually taught in courses on an Economics Bachelor's level. These methods are important prerequisites for a successful participation, as they will be used in several classes or form the basis for advanced course contents.

Two letters of reference written by an employer or academic supervisor have to be provided.

Enrolment fees

The university charges a registration fee of 50 EUR and student union fees. State law requires all students to be members of the student union. These fees entitle students to subsidised accommodation as well as meals and automatically include a free travel pass for public transport in most of the state of Hesse. In summer 2016, the student union dues amounted to approx. 313 EUR.
For further information, see:

Costs of living

Living costs depend on individual lifestyles and on regional prices. The Marburg foreigners' registration office ("Ausländerbehörde") requires international students to prove that they have at least 600-700 EUR per month at their disposal in order to cover their living costs.
For further information, see:

Job opportunities

Within certain legal limits, job opportunities are available for international students. Fluent German is required for most jobs. Employment for international students must be approved by the foreigners' registration office. There are hardly any legal restrictions on taking academic assistant jobs at the university.
For further information on job opportunities and university career services, see:

Arrival support

Marburg is located 100 km north of Frankfurt and can easily be reached by plane, public transport, or by car. For detailed descriptions of the different routes to Marburg and to find one's way around the town, see:

Services and support for international students

Philipps-Universität Marburg offers an intensive one-week welcome and orientation programme for all new international students. It includes a variety of services such as practical help with authorities, setting up health insurance, and opening a bank account. It also includes cultural and social events and the opportunity to make initial contacts with fellow students. The second week is usually dedicated to orientation programmes organised by the faculties.
Special services for doctoral candidates are provided by Marburg University Research Academy (MARA).

For further information, see:


The situation on the accommodation market in Marburg is not easy. However, the university assists international students in finding suitable and affordable accommodation.
The Studentenwerk Marburg maintains 20 student residence halls with a total of 2,049 units. Apart from single rooms, there are 129 flats with two to three rooms for married couples. Only students registered at Philipps-Universität Marburg are entitled to a place in a residence hall. The Konrad Biesalski House, in which handicapped and non-handicapped students live together, offers round-the-clock assistance. There is a bus service and other services such as physiotherapeutic exercises and massage baths.
Many students live in private accommodation or shared flats. The supply of flats in the centre of Marburg is limited, especially in the Oberstadt, but the situation on the outskirts of Marburg and in the immediate vicinity is better. There are good bus connections (bus timetables are available in the Customer Centres of the Municipal Department of Works on Rudolphsplatz). Experience shows that demand is highest on the accommodation market at the beginning of each semester (April, October), so you should start looking for accommodation around the end of the previous semester (February, July) if possible.
For further information, see:
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