Integrated Circuit Design

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
Deadline: Apr 30, 2025
41 place StudyQA ranking:5721 Duration:3 semestrs

Photos of university / #tu.muenchen

The international Master of Science in Integrated Circuit Design, which is offered jointly by Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Technische Universität München (TUM), aims to educate the next generation of engineers and entrepreneurial leaders for the fast-moving semiconductor industry. The programme contents ranges from analogue, digital and mixed-circuit design over architectural concepts for integrated circuits to design methodology and automation. Product manufacturing and testing are also addressed. Integrated circuit design is also placed in a broader context, e.g. by teaching fundamental concepts of signal processing which are at the core of today's communications circuits. Students will also be taught essential non-technical topics such as product marketing, international management, patent law, and aspects of culture and globalisation. This will be done mainly by highly qualified freelancers from our industry partners. Upon successful completion of the programme, students will be awarded a joint Master's degree from NTU and TUM.

Core Modules:
  • Analog IC Design
  • Business and Technical English
  • Design Methodology & Automation
  • Digital IC Design
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Analogue IC Design (Lab)
  • Digital IC Design (Lab)
  • Mixed Signal Circuit Design
  • System-on-Chip Solutions & Architecture

Elective Modules:
  • Advanced MOSEFT & Novel Devices
  • Embedded Systems
  • IC (Integrated Circuit) Packaging
  • IC Marketing/Business/Management
  • Nano-Electronics
  • RF IC Design
  • Simulation and Optimisation of Analogue Circuits

Cross-Discipline Modules:
  • Aspects of Asian & European Relations Today
  • Cultural, Social and Economical Aspects of Globalisation
  • International Intellectual Property Law
  • Selected Topics in Business Administration
  • Selected Topics in Business Management

Educational organisation

The first two semesters (10 months) comprise all theoretical modules and will be held in Singapore together with the partner university Nanyang Technological University (NTU). The third semester includes a mandatory internship at an industrial partner and a period of six months for the Master's thesis.

Study abroad unit(s)

The modules will be held in Singapore. The internship and Master's thesis will take place in Germany, Singapore or other countries.


Three months for students in Germany / Europe or Singapore

Forms of assessment

Each module has continuous assessment and a final exam. We use a credit point system. Final transcripts contain international and German grading.

Course objectives

In addition to a sound and industry-relevant education with practical use for a professional career, one of our ambitions is to immerse students from all over the world into foreign cultures, languages, history, and way of life. This is why our programme places its emphasis on:
  • The spirit of international relations
  • Leadership in multinational teams
  • Courses in business administration, management, law, culture, ancient and modern history of both Asia and Europe
  • Exchange programmes to Europe/Germany and Asia
  • An intercultural ambience
  • Optional language courses to learn the German language

Language requirements

Applicants whose native language or medium of instruction from previous studies (e.g. Bachelor's programme) is not English must submit at least one of the following:
  • TOEFL: minimum 605 for paper-based test, 234 for computer-based test, 88 for internet-based test
  • IELTS: overall IELTS results of at least 6.5

Academic requirements

Applicants must have completed a Bachelor's degree (Honours) or European/German FH Diploma or its equivalent in the areas of electrical engineering, electronics engineering or a closely related discipline from a university of recognised standing, with at least a Second Class Honours or equivalent.
Akademische Prüfstelle (APS) certificate is required for applicants with education qualifications from China, Vietnam and Mongolia.

Enrolment fees

Approx. 115 EUR per semester

Costs of living

Around 1,000 SGD per month in Singapore and around 700 EUR per month in Munich for accommodation, living, health insurance, books, and miscellaneous expenses

Job opportunities

The programme is too intensive for part-time jobs.

Funding opportunities within the university

Industrial scholarships and TUM Asia-scholarships are provided for outstanding students.

Arrival support

We provide arrival services in Singapore and Munich and offer assistance with visa issues. We also offer an orientation week for new students with information on residence permits, insurance, etc.


It is not easy to find a place to live in Munich - but it is not impossible either! TUM supports students and employees in their search for accommodation, providing personal advice, in-house listings and useful information to ensure that you can quickly find a place to call your own:
With high rents and not enough rooms in halls of residence, the Munich rental market is one of the most competitive in Germany - especially for students. The city boasts over 1.4 million inhabitants, with more people moving to Munich every year - many of them attracted by the excellent study opportunities that Munich has to offer.
Student halls of residence usually offer affordable accommodation for students. The Munich Student Union runs most of these halls of residence - more information at
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