The Bachelor program in Mathematical Engineering is taught at the School of Industrial and Information Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Milan. The university is located in Lombardia region, in the city of Milan, Italy. The official code of the program assigned by the Ministry of Education of Italy — L-8L-9. Italian is the main language of instruction for this program as well as for the majority of other programs of the Polytechnic University of Milan. Students applying for their studies should provide a secondary school certificate translated into Italian as well as an Italian language certificate. In order to apply for the program the applicant should pass an Entrance Test. Application deadlines for international and domestic applicants can be found on the official website of the university.
The grants are available to attend academic course Mathematical Engineering in Italy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) offers grants in favor of foreign citizens not residing in Italy and Italian citizens living abroad (IRE) for this academic year in order to foster international cultural, scientific and technological cooperation, to promote Italian language and culture and to support Italy’s economic system in the world (According to Law 288/55 and its subsequent changes and additions).
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