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The academic staff members of the Department of History and Archaeology in the following specializations participate in the programme as instructors and academic
o Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology
o Environmental Archaeology and Archaeometry
o Archaeology of the Geometric, Archaic and Classical Periods
o Hellenistic and Roman Archaeology
o Ancient History and Epigraphy
o Folk Art and Architecture
Duration: The minimum period of study for full-time students is three (3) academic semesters and the maximum period of study is eight (8) academic semesters.
The postgraduate programmes of each department are supervised by a three-member Postgraduate Programmes Committee, chaired by a Postgraduate Programmes Coordinator. The Coordinator may be the chairperson of the department or a member of the academic staff appointed by the chairperson. The other members of the committee are appointed by the Departmental Board. The Committee is appointed for a two-year term.
For every student in the Postgraduate Programme, the department appoints an Academic Supervisor, whereas at the research stage of the Ph.D. a Research Supervisor is appointed. Candidate students select a member of the academic staff to act as their Research Supervisor. The student´s choice must be approved by the Postgraduate Programmes Coordinator. The Research Supervisor guides the students in their research and provides the necessary help and advice.
The programmes of study of the University of Cyprus are based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). An ECTS normally corresponds to a 25-30 hours workload per semester. Full-time status requires a courseload of 21 ECTS per semester. Students carrying fewer ECTS are considered part-time.
Programme Structure
For the postgraduate programme leading to the acquisition of a Master of Arts Degree in Mediterranean Archaeology: from Prehistory to Late Antiquity, 120 ECTS must be completed, as follows:
Course work, equal to 80 ECTS, and a Master Thesis, equal to 40 ECTS.
Postgraduate students choose eight courses (each course equals 10 ECTS) from the following thematic units which are offered on a two-year cycle:
ARC 700 - ARC 709 The Mediterranean in Early Prehistory
ARC 710 - ARC 719 The Mediterranean in the 3rd millennium B.C.
ARC 720 - ARC 729 The Mediterranean in the 2nd millennium B.C.
ARC 730 - ARC 739 The Mediterranean in the Iron Age
ARC 740 - ARC 749 Art: Production and circulation (Architecture, Sculpture, Ceramics,
Minor Arts, etc.) of the Geometric, Archaic and Classical Periods
ARC 750 - ARC 759 Topography of the main centres ofClassical antiquity (urban centres, necropoleis and sanctuaries)
ARC 760 - ARC 769 Art: Production and circulation (Architecture, Sculpture, Ceramics,
Minor Arts, etc.) of the Hellenistic and Roman Periods
ARC 770 - ARC 779 Topography of the main centres of Hellenistic and Roman Antiquity (urban centres, necropoleis and sanctuaries)
ARC 780 - ARC 789 Protection, Preservation and Management of Cultural Heritage
ARC 790 - ARC 799 Theoretical Archaeology, Methodology, Archaeometry and Environmental Archaeology: The directions of modern research
ARC 800 - ARC 809 Ancient Technology (Ceramics, Metal, Stone, Glass, etc.)
HIS 700 - HIS 709 Ancient Greek and Roman History: The directions of modern research
HIS 710 - HIS 711 Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy.
Full-time postgraduate students must take three of the above courses in the first semester of their studies and three in the second. In the third semester they must take two of the offered courses and also the compulsory course ARC 810 "Preparation
and writing of aMaster thesis I" (10 ECTS). In the fourth semester postgraduate students continue and complete the Master thesis (ARC 811 "Preparation and writing of a Master thesis II": 30 ECTS).