Political Philosophy

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
Local:$ 3.68 k / Year(s) Foreign:$ 5.18 k / Year(s) Deadline: Jun 10, 2025
152 place StudyQA ranking:3632 Duration:1 year

This MA brings together international experts who cover a variety of topics in Political Philosophy (global justice, distributive justice, human rights, nationalism and secession, citizenship and pluralism, international relations & justice, immigration, religion & politics,  just war theories, feminism, art & politics) from both analytic and continental perspectives. 

The MA in Political Philosophy is an official master's programme, international and interdisciplinary. It is based on an agreement between three departments of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra: Political and Social Science, Law and Humanities. The main objective of the programme is to offer students coming from a variety of countries and having different backgrounds the main analytical and theoretical tools required to undertake research work in the field of political philosophy. This interdepartmental and international MA is mainly aimed at holders of a degree in Political Science, Philosophy, Social Sciences, Humanities, Law, and Economics, although applications from holders of other degrees will also be considered.

Students will have the opportunity to write MA theses on a variety of relevant topics from an interdisciplinary perspective - for instance, combining law and political philosophy, international relations and political philosophy, economics and ethics, literature and politics, justice and policy-making -, and by considering analytical and/or continental approaches.

This programme allows students to acquire the knowledge and abilities they need to work as analysts in institutions or political and social organizations, or to undertake doctoral studies in this field (Students will be entitled to apply for places on the PhD programmes offered by the Departments of Political and Social Sciences, Humanities and Law).


The main objective of the MA in Political Philosophy is to prepare researchers in this discipline by providing them with the theoretical knowledge, methodological abilities and critical and analytical attitude necessary to conduct advanced international research and take part in high-quality research groups.

Other objectives are:

  • To develop the necessary research competence to embark upon and successfully complete a PhD programme in Political Philosophy in the best international institutions and organizations.
  • To prepare high-level researchers in the field of Political Philosophy and in the research fields of the Departments of Political and Social Sciences, Humanities and Law, and develop new lines of research within these departments.
  • To acquire personal skills that will improve participants' chances of successfully entering the labour market.

 Career options

  • Researcher in Political Philosophy / Philosophy of Law / Political Science with a specialty in Political Theory 
  • Political analyst
  • Analysis groups in political and social organizations and interest groups
  • Analyst in political institutions and public administrations at European, national or local level

Modules 1 and 4 are compulsory for all students. Additionally, students must choose 15 ECTS credits from module 2 and 10 ECTS credits from module 3.

Module 1: Theory and Methodology (15 ECTS credits)

  • Main Research Themes and Methods in Political Philosophy  (Camil Ungureanu, English). 5 ECTS credits. 1st Term.
  • Modern Political Philosophy (Andrew Williams, English). 5 ECTS credits. 1st Term.
  • Contemporary Political Philosophy (Sonia Arribas and visiting professor Marina Garcés, English). 5 ECTS credits. 1st-2nd Term.

Module 2: Optional courses in Political Theory and Philosophy (choose 15 ECTS credits) 

  • Global Ethics (Serena Olsaretti, English). 5 ECTS credits. 1st Term.
  • Distributive Justice Today (Paula Casal, English). 5 ECTS. 2nd Term.
  • Issues in Ethics (Sonia Arribas, Spanish). 5 ECTS credits. 3rd Term.
  • Political Theory in the 21st Century (visiting professor: Alessandro Ferrara, English). 5 ECTS credits. 1st Term.
  • Nationalism Today (Klaus-Jürgen Nagel, English). 5 ECTS credits. 2nd Term.
  • Democracy and Political Liberalism: theoretical and institutional features (Ferran Requejo, English). 5 ECTS credits. 3rd Term.

Module 3: Optional Courses in Political Philosophy, Social Theory and the Social Sciences  (choose 10 ECTS credits) 

  • Federalism and Federations: political theory and comparative politics (Klaus-Jürgen Nagel, English). 5 ECTS credits. 2nd Term.
  • Diversity and Immigration Policies (Ricard Zapata, English). 5 ECTS credits. 1st Term.
  • The current financial and economic crises and their impact on the social wellbeing of populations (Vicenç Navarro, English). 5 ECTS credits. 1st Term.
  • Current Research on Diverse Democracies (visiting professor: Peter A. Kraus, English). 5 ECTS credits. 2nd-3rd Term.
  • Social Psychological Approaches to Society and the Individual (Verònica Benet-Martínez, English). 5 ECTS. 1st Term.
  • Global Law, Justice and Democracy (Josep Lluís Martí, English). 4 ECTS credits. 2nd Term.
  • Law and Gender Policies (Marisa Iglesias and Chelo Chacartegui, English). 4 ECTS credits. 2nd Term.
  • International Relations (Caterina Garcia, Spanish). 4 ECTS. 2nd Term.
  • Empire Formation and Disintegration in the Modern and Contemporary World (Josep Maria Delgado, Spanish). 5 ECTS credits. 2nd Term.
  • The Construction of State (Joaquim Albareda, Spanish). 5 ECTS. 1st Term.
  • Advanced Themes in Philosophy (Antonino Firenze, Spanish). 5 ECTS. 2nd Term.
  • Discourse Analysis II: Socio-cognitive features (Teun A. Van Dijk and E. Atienza, Spanish). 5 ECTS credits. 2nd Term.
  • Health and Inequality (Joan Benach, English). 5 ECTS credits. 1st Term.

Module 4

  • Master Thesis Seminar (1 ECTS, Serena Olsaretti and Camil Ungureanu). 2nd Term.
  • Final Research Paper (19 ECTS credits). 3rd Term.


  • Official undergraduate degree/diploma and the academic transcript of the accredited official training with the average grade at the university of origin.
  • Curriculum Vitae in English.
  • A letter of motivation (2 pages maximum).
  • Two letters of recommendation (academic). 
  • Identity Card or Passport. 
  • Proof of English language (level B2). English: official Cambridge certificates (FCE or higher), with results of 6.0 at IELTS or 100 at TOEFL (iBT), will be accepted, among others.
  • Professional experience in any of the fields related to the master's programme.(optional)
  • Research experience.(optional)
  • Teaching experience. (optional)
  • Additional academic training in areas related to the master's programme.(optional)


  • GRAL - General scholarships for students enrolled on post-compulsory studies.  
  • MATRC - Financial credential for the purposes of processing university enrolments without prior payment of the public prices for the academic services.
  • UPF - Tuition fee scholarship for university master's degree students
  • Global Education
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