Levels: PhD, Master
Tests needed: IELTS, TOEFL
Tuition: Partial coverage
Finaid max: 18000  AUD
Duration max: 36  months

The FEBE International Engineering and Technology Postgraduate Coursework Scholarship has been established to encourage and support academically gifted International students to study a postgraduate coursework program with the Faculty.

This scholarship is open to new International students as well as those international students who have completed undergraduate studies with UON.

  • Engineering & Technology

This scholarship is ongoing for the remaining length of the program up to a maximum term of 2 years provided ongoing eligibility. This scholarship must be taken up in the year for which it is awarded.

The scholarship benefit received will vary depending on your GPA at entry:

  • Tier 1: GPA 5.5 at entry - Term based programs $750 per 10 units
  • Tier 2: GPA 5.0 at entry - Term based programs $500 per 10 units
  • Tier 3: GPA 4.5 at entry - Term based programs $250 per 10 units.

The scholarship provides a tuition fee waiver of which ranges from $6,000 to $18,000 over the full 3-year tenure provided ongoing eligibility for the term of the scholarship.

The scholarship will be paid as a tuition fee waiver, reducing tuition fee liability. The tuition fee waiver will be applied after census date each semester/trimester.

The scholarship benefit and number of scholarships awarded may vary and will be determined by the funding available each year.

To be eligible to apply for this scholarship you must meet the following criteria:

  • Be enrolled in any year of an eligible Engineering or Technology Postgraduate Coursework program with UON.
  • Be studying on-campus with University of Newcastle in Australia.
  • Be an International full-fee paying student.
  • Be enrolled full-time.
  • Meet the tiered GPA entry level requirements (minimum GPA of 4.5).
  • Not hold another scholarship for the same program of equivalent or more substantial benefit in current or previous study.
  • Not hold any other FEBE fee waiver scholarships, with the exception of the FEBE Alumni Family or FEBE Family Scholarships.

No application is required for this scholarship.

Scholarships will be awarded automatically to students upon application to study an eligible FEBE, Engineering or Technology Postgraduate Coursework degree program at the University of Newcastle.

Scholarship offers will be made on the basis of academic merit and benefit received will be scaled as outlined under Benefit.

Scholars receiving this scholarship will not be eligible for any other FEBE funded fee waiver scholarships, with the exception of the FEBE International Alumni and Family scholarship.

The Faculty reserves the right not to award a scholarship