Born about twenty years ago and firstly used to align and compare gene and protein sequences, bioinformatics had to face the challenge of knowledge explosion, linked with the sequencing of a large number of genomes. On the pressure of the amazingly large amount of information available nowadays, the data treatment algorithms have to evolve rapidly.
Modelling had quite naturally appeared as a complementary field to bioinformatics as a predictive and explanatory tool of the processes related to the data analysis. Let us point out the examples of the protein secondary or tertiary structure predictions or the modelling of complex biological systems and their interactions with their environment. These two disciplines are the roots od a new orientation aiming at analyzing and understanding a set of complex systems in relation with the living world and the environment : the master in bioinformatics and modelling. If you choose this way, you already build our future.
At the University of Liege, several groups of researchers have developed an expertise in bioinformatics: in gene sequence alignments, genomics, proteomics, philogenetics, or systems biology and it should be pointed out that exceptional equipment is available witihin the GIGA centre where the bioinformatics department has the mission to develop the research in bioinformatics, systems biology, and chemical biology.
The requirements to access to the master programmes are regulated by articles 51 to 53 of the decree of 31 March 2004 defining higher education, promoting its integration into the European Higher Education Area, and refinancing universities.The master programmes are open to students who hold one of the following: * a bachelor in the same curriculum; * the same master with a different focus; * a university degree, subject to the academic authorities' decision and to additional requirements defined by them; * a long course academic degree granting access to the master, subject to a decision by the government and to additional requirements defined by it; * an academic degree similar to those mentioned above, delivered under the same conditions by the Flemish Community, the German-speaking Community or the Royal Military Academy; * a foreign academic degree recognised as equivalent to those mentioned above in application of the aforementioned decree, of a European directive or of an international convention, under the same conditions.The additional requirements are designed to ensure students have sufficient knowledge of the subjects required for the intended studies.When these additional requirements consist in one or several additional courses, they cannot add more than 15 credits in total to the student's course load, considering all other credits counting towards their admission.These courses are included into the curriculum of their master programme.Master programmes are also open to students who, in order to earn the bachelor in the same curriculum, must still pass no more than 12 credits and are registered for those courses.Master programmes, possibly subject to additional courses worth no more than 60 credits (when this added course load is over 15 credits, it must be taken as a preparatory year), are open to students who hold one of the following: * another bachelor-level degree delivered by the French Community (professional bachelor or transition bachelor from a non-university institute of higher education), granting access to the master following a decision by the government and subject to the additional requirements defined by it; * a similar academic degree, delivered by the Flemish Community, the German-speaking Community or at the Royal Military Academy, or a foreign academic degree recognised as equivalent; * a bachelor-level degree delivered by a Belgian university or a foreign institute of higher education can the admissions jury can value at 180 credits or more.knowledge and skills, acquired through personal or professional experience, that can be recognised by the admissions jury. This relevant experience must be equivalent to at least five years of professional activity, not taking into account failed years of higher education. At the conclusion of an evaluation process organised by the academic authorities, the admissions jury judges whether the student's skills and knowledge allow them to successfully pursue the programme.
There are several different sources of funding for research. Some claim that research financing is insufficient, even if significant efforts are made on a regional level, national level ("State grant for research"), and European level. The ULg intends to take advantage of these opportunities to continue to develop a research of quality and excellence. Private partners also provide significant support for the development of applied research.
The large fractioning of financial support for research and the ever-increasing complexity of administrative formalities have led the ULg to develop strong support services for the research teams. The Research and Development Administration is organised to meet with the large challenges imposed by support and administrative management of public contractual research projects, whereas the Industries-University Interface ensures support for direct research projects with companies. The quality of this administrative support relies of course on the professional attitude of its agents and the relationship of trust established with the researchers, but it is also the result of teamwork in which the other administrations of the ULg take part: Legal Affairs Department, Financial Resources Administration, Human Resources Administration.
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