International Land and Water Management

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
Local:$ 2.13 k / Year(s) Foreign:$ 16.6 k / Year(s)  
StudyQA ranking:5054 Duration:24 months

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The two-year Master International Land and Water Management programme focuses on the scientific analysis of land and water management issues at various scales. An integration of physical, technical, socio-economic and political dimensions in various approaches is sought in order to critically analyse, understand and tackle land and water management problems. Students will develop a comparative insight into the development of land and water management, take an academic approach to various research paradigms, and acquire a problem-oriented, interdisciplinary attitude towards land and water management and rural development issues.

The programme pays attention to land and water management at different scales, to interactive approaches with actors at the respective levels, to the institutional aspects, and to the multifaceted consequences of the proposed interventions.

The MSc programme International Land and Water Management is thesis oriented. It consists of one year of course work and one year of thesis research. In the first year, next to the compulsory courses, you can choose 18 ECTS in optional courses. In the second year, you work on your major thesis (36 ECTS) in the field of your specialisation, a second thesis or internship (24 ECTS) can be chosen in a different field of interest, in consultation with your study adviser. The programme will be tailor made, depending on your background and research interest.

The MSc programme International Land and Water Management (MIL) runs annually beginning from early September. It takes two academic years and comprises 120 credits (ECTS, European Credit Transfer System). The language of instruction is English.

Specialisations of International Land and Water Management

The MSc programme International Land and Water Management contains common compulsory courses and specific courses that are bound to a specilisation.

Compulsory courses

The common part of the study comprises the following compulsory courses:

  • Issues and Concepts in International Land and Water Management

  • Research Approaches to Land and Water Management

  • Sustainable Land and Water Management (Spain)

  • Modular Skills Training


Next to these common courses, each specialisation has its own specific courses. You can find the description at the following pages:

  • Sustainable Land Management

  • Irrigation and Water Management

  • Integrated Water Management

Future career

After finalizing your MSc programme International Land and Water Management you will be widely employable as a consultant, policy maker, researcher, development worker or project manager in any part of the world. Job possibilities can be found at engineer- and consultancy bodies, NGO's, governmental institutions, universities and research institutes.

Alumni (graduates) work in different fields:

  • Researcher at a university or research institute:

  • Advisor at governmental authorities (ministries, provinces and municipalities) or waterboards:

  • Engineer or consultant in the industry:

  • Non-governmental organization

General admission requirementsStudents who wish to enrol in a MSc programme at Wageningen University must have:At least a BSc degree (or equivalent) in a field of science relevant to the specific programme selected;A GPA (Grade Point Average) for the BSc study of at least 7 (or 70% of the maximum of the scale);Fluency in English, both written and spoken; Good skills in mathematics and/or statistics;Basic computer skills (Microsoft Office: Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook; use and structure of the Internet; RSI-prevention). The above admission requirements apply to all MSc study programmes at Wageningen University.Specific admission requirementsThe master programme International Land and Water Management may have slight alterations, depending on the skills and competencies you have gathered in your former training. Quite often you will be admitted with a linkage programme, which means that we admit you, provided that you first successfully conclude a tailor made linkage programme of one to five periods. This makes up for possible deficiencies between your bachelor and the master International Land and Water Management. Matching Bachelor DegreesOn the Dutch webpages of this MSc programme an overview of Dutch Bachelor programmes is given (unconditional admission as well as possible admission). Relevant foreign Bachelor degrees give possible admission. Here the Admission Board has to decide. A relevant bachelor should include sufficient courses on soil and water, including courses such as soil and water conservation, landdegradation, irrigation and drainage, GIS, hydraulics and hydrometry, hydrology on one hand and courses in the field of economics, agricultural and rural development, natural resources management, law and policy on the other hand. It could be that we admit you provided that you first follow a linkage programme to make up for deficiencies or advise you to follow specific courses in your master programme. English Language Requirements IELTS band: 6 CAE score: (read more) Cambridge English: Advanced (CAE) is part of the Cambridge English suite and is targeted at a high level (IETLS 6.5-8.0). It is an international English language exam set at the right level for academic and professional success. Developed by Cambridge English Language Assessment - part of the University of Cambridge - it helps you stand out from the crowd as a high achiever. 75 (Grade B) FCE score : (read more) Cambridge English: First (FCE) is part of the Cambridge English suite and is targeted at an upper-intermediate level (IELTS 5.5-6.5). It is an international English language exam which provides the perfect foundation for success in study and work. Take Cambridge English: First to prove your ability to use everyday written and spoken English when applying to study abroad. 60 (Grade C) TOEFL iBT® test: 80


Scholarships / Grants:

Neso Indonesia:
StuNed Scholarships for Master studies, short courses and customized training programmes are available for Indonesian professionals with at least two years work experience in a development-related organization.
For additional information: Website

World Bank:
Successful applicants for the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program will be awarded funding covering all tuition and admission fees, as well as housing and subsistence allowance. Travel expenses between the awardees' home countries and Tokyo will also be provided.
For additional information: Website

Wagening Univerisity:
The Wageningen University Fund aims to maintain and strengthen the unique character of Wageningen University. Since 1951, the Fund has been organising and financing activities that support excellent research and education and stimulate the academic development of students.
For additional information: Website

This fund exists to enable promising students from developing countries to study at Wageningen University. The long term goal is the training of talented experts who will go on to play leading roles in improving the agricultural production, rural development and environment in their own countries.
For additional information: Website

For additional information: Website

United Nations:
For additional information: Website


Accredited by: NVAO in: Netherlands

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