Scenographic Design and Communication

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
Local:$ 317 / Semester(s) Foreign:$ 317 / Semester(s) Deadline: May 15, 2025
StudyQA ranking:1878 Duration:3 semestrs

Teaching and learning of the master‘s programme Scenographic Design and Communicationfocus both on the design and the staging of real and virtual spaces and environments and on design and concept development in all commu-nicative process.Scenographic designers present and exhibit. They develop con-cepts for performance spaces and design exhibition spaces. They bring spaces to life to provide a narrative context. For a while they stage and dramatize perfor-mances on the most diverse stages and create the ambience for the communica-tive and emotional impact of stories and messages.

The project degree programme Scenographic Design and Communicationfocus-ses its commitment on theatre and stage spaces, museum and exhibition spaces media and hypermedia spaces, onpublic spaces of commercial and institutional communication, on temporary spaces and design areas of brand staging and cor-porate communication.The graduates of the master‘s programme know how to combine subject-specific and interdisciplinary interests, theoretical knowledge and artistic intuition, performative and moderating competence with manage-ment and organisation skills. They are aware of their artistic and creative as well as their social responsibility and thus ensure the effectiveness of planning and implementation.The master‘s programme Scenographic Design and Communica-tionhas an international focus. Practical project work during studies is designed to promote international exchange and to contribute to the establishment of a worldwide network for scenographic design.


  • Scenography + Communication
  • Conception + Creation
  • Humanities


  • Scenography + Communication
  • Conception + Creation
  • Humanities

3. Semester

  • Best Practise / Foundation
  • Project Suport/ Monitoring Master Project
  • MasterProject/Colloquium

Required degreeAdmission to the master‘s programme requires proof of having successfully com-pleted▪a (German) Diplomor a bachelor’s programme in design, architecture/inte-rior design, urban planning/land use planning or a comparable degree pro-gramme at an University of Applied Science and Arts with a curriculum in-cluding design studies focussing on the design of rooms, environment and public spaces (design subjects) or ▪proof of having successfully completed an academic (German) Diplom or a bachelor’s programme in art theory, media studies, cultural studies, the arts or economics at an institution of University of Applied Science and Arts with a curriculum including a particular field of the practical application of sceno-graphic design or the design of rooms, environment and public spaces and/or communication design or of academic analysis (academic subjects).In addition, the course of study must amount to a minimum of 210 creditpoints (ECTS). Applicants with a programmeof only 180 ECTS,can catch up the missing 30 ECTS in two ways. They can complete an internship over 20 weeks or they can complete special courses. The 30 ECTS has to be reached until the first module examination.Foreign graduate degrees must include a final thesis with comparable qualitative minimum requirements ((German) Diplom or a bachelor‘s thesis).Apptitude AssessmentThe procedure for establishing the aptitude for this particular programme of ap-plicants intending to pursue a degree in the master‘s programme Scenographic Design and Communication of the Department of Design is conducted twiceper year in a two-stage procedure.Admission to the procedure requires registration which has to be submitted tothe Dean of the Apartment of Design of the Univer-sity of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund by 15thof Decemberor 15thof Mayof each year along with the required documents.For the registration for the aptitude assessment stage 1, the following docu-ments have to be submitted by 15thof Decemberor 15thof Mayof each year:▪Submission of the “Aptitude assessment registration form” (on in the annex of the degree programme info) by mail or personally to the Dean of the Depart-ment of Design, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Max-Ophüls-Platz 2, D-44137 Dortmund.▪Further documentsa) For applicants from designsubjects: a portfolio with a minimum of three independent work samples (presentation with comment and description in German or English) from at least one project context: of scenographicdesign (stage/theatre or museum/exhibition or trade fair/event or set design/media production or virtual spaces context); and/or object, room/environ-ment/space or architecture-related design; or temporary communication de-sign (corporate communications/campaigns or advertising/brand staging context); or temporary media design (performance/installation context, lin-ear and non-linear); or b) For applicants from academic subjects:a compendium of academic re-search or other academic results from the arts or economics proving research of scenographic subjects providing evidence of dealing with scenographic topics. Three-dimensional objects may only be submitted on presentation media (print or electronic). Electronically on CD or DVD (formats: PDF, JPG, MOV, MP4,FLV, HTML, DVD). For dynamic websites the URL has to be stated.The work samples of the portfolio or the research and results for the compendium have to be stated in a list which has to bear a written statement that the applicant has executed the work independently. Results of aptitude assessment stage 1(1) The work samples of the portfolio or the documented academic research or the academic results meeting the requirements for the programme are rated by an elected committee according to the following aspects: conceptual compe-tence, artistic and design creativity, competence in providing creative design so-lutions, and organisational and moderating skills or academic consistency. (2 ) Based on the aspects stated in section 1 the committee writes an assess-ment of the first stage of the procedure and decides on the admission to the sec-ond stage of the procedure. The applicants not admitted to the second stage of the procedure will be informed promptly of their rejection for the further proce-dure. Aptitudeassessment stage 2(colloquy, by invitation) (1) In the second stage of the procedure the committee will invite the applicant for a colloquy taking place within four weeks after admission to the second stage of the procedure to verify andexplore the impressions gained until then. In the colloquy, applicants will be expected to provide a description of a scenographic master‘s project lasting no longer than five minutes.(2) The aptitude assessment according to the aspects stated above will be awarded withan overall average grade of 4.0 or better.(3) Any material submitted will be available for collection from the Department of Design for one month after completion of the aptitude assessment procedure. Af-ter expiry of this period this material will be destroyed in compliance with data privacy regulations.

German or English skillsThe applicants for the programme have to opt for a prevailing programme lan-guage by the time they apply and prove they have the following language skills with regard to their favoured prevailing programme language: a) German as the prevailing programme language: For the degree programme with German as the prevailing programme language, proof of sufficient German skills has to be provided. For applicants who did not obtain their university en-trance qualification or their graduate degree at a German-speakinginstitution this proof is provided by the language examinations. b) English as the prevailing programme language: For the degree programme with English as the prevailing programme language, proof of sufficient English skills has to be providedby the applicants. The proof of English skills is officially identified if the applicant can provide proof of one of the following qualifications: (1) TOEFEL-iBT with a minimum of 90 points, the examination must have been taken no longer than two years before the application is received; (2) IELTS, Academic Level, with a minimum average score of 6.5 points, the ex-amination must have been taken no longer than two years before the application is received.No later than when registering for the master’s thesis, students who chose English as their prevailing programme language and have no prior German skills have to submit a language certificate (GER) of at least level B1 issued by a recognised foreign language institute (like e.g. Auslandsgesellschaft NRW orGoethe-Institut).

Want to improve your English level for admission?

Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.

  • ✔️ Flexible study schedule
  • ✔️ Experienced teachers
  • ✔️ Certificate upon completion

📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.

Enroll in the course

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