Moscow Aviation Institute

Moscow, Russian Federation
Website: Founded: 1930 year 1001+ place StudyQA ranking: 1110 pts. No. Students: 20000 Frgn. Students: 1250 No. Staff: 3840 Languages: Russian, English Phone: +74991584043
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About Moscow Aviation Institute 

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (Russian: Московский авиационный институт) founded in 1930 is one of several major engineering higher education establishments in Moscow. Since its inception MAI has been spearheading advances in aerospace technology both within Russia and worldwide. The university laid emphasis on laboratory instruction in applied science and engineering, specific to demands of the aerospace industry. During World war II part of the university was evacuated to Almaty Kazakhstan, the university, staff and students continued to work on research and wartime production throughout the war. During the Post-War period, the university expanded and assimilated new technologies during the Jet age. Research conducted in the university contributed to heralding the space age.

The university has to its merit more than 160000 specialists, 250 chief designers in the Aerospace Industry. 50 Academicians of theRussian Academy of Sciences, 22 cosmonauts, 100 test pilots and 60 Olympic champions in different sports.

Alumni of the institute form the backbone of many companies like Sukhoi, MIG, Ilyushin, Tupolev, Yakovlev, Beriev, Myasishchev, Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant, OAO S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation Energia, Lavochkin, Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau,Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, NPO Energomash, Almaz-Antey and others.

  • Faculty of Aeronautical Engineering

    Our highly qualified faculty members with extensive real-world experience train students in the following areas of specialization: aircraft design, helicopter design, design of on-board mechanical systems, aerodynamics, flight dynamics and control, design and assessment of efficiency of aircraft systems, airworthiness and certification of aviation technology and quality management systems in the aviation industry.

    The students gain comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical skills in their chosen field of specialization, enabling them to solve real-world engineering problems. The laboratory works, seminars, course works, projects and heuristic training provide the practical preparation for faculty graduates to work independently as well as in research collaboration with design bureaus.

  • Faculty of Flying Vehicles Engines

    The Faculty is a unique academic center which specializes in imparting education and conducting research in all types of engines, i.e. aircraft engines, rocket engines, electric propulsion, etc. These technologies have diverse civilian applications in the oil, gas, and transportation industries, cryogenics, fire-control equipment, and medical application tools such as artificial hearts and systems for blood preservation.

  • Faculty of Control Systems, Informatics & Electrical Engineering

    The Faculty offers programs in the fields of design and development of avionics, instrumentation and control systems. The subject areas have a wide variety of engineering applications specific to the aerospace industry. This provides an immediate focus on relevant applications and ensures the most technologically advanced development.

  • Faculty of Aerospace Radio Electronics

    The Faculty provides professional education in the field of various radar-tracking and navigation systems, as well as radio communications and electronic warfare. The graduates of this Faculty design and develop various avionics systems, both on-board and offboard. They are able to turn systemic ideas and specific operation functions of devices into real working products.

  • Faculty of Astronautical Engineering

    The Faculty imparts professional education for engineers, designers, and systems integrators for companies in the rocket and space industry and other high-technology sectors. The School has integrated lab facilities with real rockets, satellites and spacecraft. Unique experimental installations, test benches and equipment are available for students to use.

  • Faculty of Robotic & Intelligent Systems

    The Faculty of Robotic and Intelligent Systems is singular in the Russian Federation in making students experts in the field of aviation integrated systems based on cutting edge computer technologies. The Faculty features state-of-the-art technical facilities and are equipped with high quality computing machinery. During practical training, students work with prototypes of some real-world equipment.

  • Faculty of Applied Mathematics & Physics

    The Faculty trains specialists to be skilled in creating and the successful use of software and mathematical support of computing and information systems. The students are experts in using mathematical methods, mathematical modeling and programming in aerospace, economics, physics and other knowledge-intensive areas.

  • Faculty of Applied Mechanics

    This Faculty is nationally and internationally famed due to its highly qualified graduates who are specialists in the fields of dynamics and strength of materials, aerospace materials and aircraft structural testing, design of antennas for intelligence systems, biomedical engineering, and computer design.

    Students of this Faculty also can study computer aided engineering (CAE) in aircraft manufacturing which covers the use of computers in all activities from the design to the manufacture of a product. Developments in computers enable engineers to apply theories for more complex problems. Computer Aided Engineering systems provide virtual product development environments allowing 3D models to be created, analyzed, optimized and stored efficiently. Operational and extreme physical conditions can be evaluated, reducing the need for prototypes.

  • Faculty of Social Engineering

    Graduates of the Faculty go through special training allowing them to accomplish tasks related to strategic management of social media and human resources.

  • Faculty of Foreign Languages

    The Faculty of Foreign Languages trains topranked interpreters and translators, as well as specialists in the field of public relations and advertising for aerospace industry. Here students will learn at least two foreign languages and gain excellent linguistic skills. There is also an elective course of a third foreign language.

  • Preparatory School

    The Preparatory School offers Russian Language and Foundation courses to MAI international applicants. The one-year Russian language program prepares students for the MAI university courses in Russian. The Foundation course boosts students’ knowledge in Mathematics, Physics and Technical Drawing, preparing them for enrollment at the MAI main faculties. The Foundation course is also available to Russian students

  • Institute of Engineering and Economics

    Institute of Engineering and Economics, MAI (former Faculty №5,MAII) was established in 1933 and is considered to be one of the oldest faculties of the University. 

History of Moscow Aviation Institute 

Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) was established on 20 March 1930 as Higher Aero-mechanical college (VAMU) by the order of Supreme Economic Council of the USSR in order to ensure training of qualified personnel for the aviation industry. The Aero-mechanical faculty of Bauman Moscow State Technical University formed the basis of the new university. On 29 August 1930, the university was renamed as Moscow Aviation Institute. In the beginning it had 3 departments, Aeronautical, Aircraft engines and Aerodynamics. On its 10th anniversary in 1940, the university had established itself as a premier aeronautical university with 38 departments, 22 laboratories and a Student design office and production facility.

The uniqueness of the MAI is that historically it was created to train specialists for almost all departments and teams in the Design Bureaus of the aviation industry.

On the 22nd of June 1941, Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union. The students and faculty members were mobilized to work in aircraft workshops and design offices. Many students signed up to join the armed forces during the Battle of Moscow, many continued to work aircraft production facilities and armaments workshops.

The university was partly evacuated to Almaty, Kazakhstan under the leadership of Alexander Yakovlev. By 1942 the Moscow campus of MAI started functioning in parallel with the Almaty campus. It was in the workshops of MAI in Almaty, Mikhail Kalashnikov, the legendary rifle designer worked on his AK-47 assault rifle.

By 1943, the university was completely relocated back to Moscow. Members of the university were involved in research & designing new combat aircraft and sub-systems, along with refining and redesigning existing aircraft, for the war effort.

Although prototypes of the first jet aircraft were made as far back as 1910 by Henri Coandă, it war during World War II that significant developments were made. Arkhip Lyulkadesigned the first Two-stage centrifugal compressor Turbojet in 1938. Alexander Bereznyak a graduate of MAI, designed the first jet aircraft in the USSR, the Bereznyak-Isayev BI-1 in 1942.

After the war, the university placed special emphasis on developing new technology required for developing jet aircraft and was quick to adapt to new technologies. this was emphasised in May 1946, during the second Student technical conference, faculty members of the institute defended 6 post-doctoral thesis and 14 Ph.Ds on various aspects regarding development of jet aircraft. On 26 April 1946, Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-9 became the first operational turbojet fighter in the USSR.

It was also in the same year Faculty of Radio electronics was established based on department of Radio-location, to assimilate newer technologies in the field of Radio location.

The era of helicopters began in USSR with two leading pioneers at MAI Boris Yuryev, inventor of Swashplate in helicopters and Bratukhin, they were awarded the state prize of the USSR in 1946. In 1952, department of helicopter design was established under the leadership of Prof. Boris Yuryev.

In 1955, the university celebrated its silver jubilee.

On the 4th of October 1957, the USSR launched the first artificial satellite opening up Space for mankind, graduates from MAI were deeply involved in the space program since its inception under the leadership of Sergey Korolev, the legendary chief designer of head of the Soviet space program and Mikhail Tikhonravov chief designer of satellites Sputnik-3, Luna-1, Luna-3, Luna-4.

During the cold war, students, faculty members and graduates of the university were involved in cutting edge research in the fields of Aeronautics, Missile development and armaments research. They were pivotal in keeping the USSR ahead in the arms race in close collaboration with the Aerospace and Defense industry and Research organizations like TsAGI,National Institute of Aviation technologies, Russian scientific-research institute of aviation materials, Central institute of Aircraft engines, 30th Central Scientific Research Institute, Ministry of Defence, Gromov Flight Research Institute among others.

Key figures from the university during this era were Rostislav Belyakov chief designer of MIG-29, Myasishchev, Mikhail Yangel, Sergey Mikheev chief designer of Kamov helicopters, Marat Tishchenko of Mil helicopters, Mikhail Reshetnev and others.

In 1962, the University established the Student design office(ОСКБ — объединение СКБ факультетов и кафедр), which integrated different faculties and departments within the institute to develop aircraft prototypes in-house and to provide greater exposure to students in design and production work.


Institutional Accreditation or Recognition - Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation


  • In October 2009, MAI was ranked among the top 14 universities in the Russian Federation. The title of a National Research University was awarded to our institute by the Russian government. 

Student Life at Moscow Aviation Institute 


MAI provides housing accommodations for students. The dormitories are situated in a nice district located approximately thirty minutes from the campus. Students are off ered to live in a double or triple bedroom in a modern apartment building

May Take-off

“MAY take-off ” is an extravagant celebration of aviation, cosmonautics, sports, music, and spring. It takes place at the Tushino airfi eld under the auspices of the President of the Russian Federation, the Russian Government, the Moscow City Government, and the Interstate Fund of Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS member states.

The first “MAY take-off ” was carried out in 2010, to coincide with the 80th anniversary of the Moscow Aviation Institute. In 2011, more than 5000 students from technical universities and colleges took part in this fantastic event. One of the main attractions of the festival is the exhibition of research projects and discoveries from various enterprises and aviation programs. The exhibition features aircraft , space machinery, engines, equipment for aircraft , and even designs for engine conversion.

MAI schools and departments present their educational programs, demonstrate model aircraft s, and stage competitions. Visitors may watch air races and aerobatic displays, and compete in darts, arm-wrestling, street ball, fi ve-a-side football and chess tournaments, all organized by MAI Sport Club. The festival oft en fl ies a couple of hot air balloons for those who wish to enjoy the bird’s eye view of the airfi eld and music venue.

Culture and Sport

A variety of extracurricular activities are available for all students at the MAI Culture Centre, located in the university campus. It provides students with a wide-range of individual and group activities, especially in the arts of: painting, music, theater, dance, humor. The Centre plays an important part in the organization of students’ leisure as well as the formation of their intellectual and aesthetic development.

A variety of sport facilities are available for students to use. MAI includes amongst its Alumni 60 European, World, and Olympic Champions. MAI students can engage in more than 40 sports such as football, tennis, badminton, table tennis, volleyball, swimming, rugby, boxing, mountain-and-rock climbing, sailing, and many others.


MAI owns a large science library consisting of more than 3 million books and journals. In addition to textbooks, it contains special treatises on the subjects taught in the university, and a great number of reference books in Russian, English, and many other languages. The reference library offers free access to encyclopedias, reference books, and technical and bilingual dictionaries to all MAI students.

Health Services and Recreation

Three special Recreation Centers (two are near Moscow and one is at the Black Sea) are available for weekends off and vacations. MAI students can enjoy special discounts. There is an outpatient clinic on campus that offers its services to the international students who are insured by a Russian insurance company.

Why MAI?

  • Academic Excellence

    Moscow Aviation Institute is one of the world's top universities for aerospace engineering. We are an internationally recognized research center pursuing the leading edge in aerospace technology.

  • Worldwide Networking

    MAI, in addition to providing an excellent higher education, also opens up opportunities to make professional connections that will endure beyond formal education. Our rigorous and challenging academic programs are complemented by a network of students and alumni that welcome international students and scholars.

  • Successful Career

          The expertise and knowledge gained in MAI guarantee you a competitive advantage in the job market

Moscow Aviation Institute on map:
Study programs at :
Local: $ 1.31 k / год
Foreign: $ 1.31 k / год
Deadline: Jul 1, 2025
Duration: 4 years
Languages: English, Russian
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 2301
Foreign: $ 6.32 k / год
Deadline: Jul 1, 2025
Duration: 4 semestrs
Languages: English
Study mode: On campus
Study type: Full-time
StudyQA ranking: 2297