The PhD program Applied Informatics possesses deep theoretical and methodological knowledge and practical experiences from the essential areas of the core of Informatics. Further knowledge from measurement, data capture, processing and transmission of information, and diagnostic of systems is included to the program. A graduate will also have knowledge about information and communication networks, will understand methods of modeling and simulation of systems and processes. To achieve this target, courses from the core fields of Information Systems and Software Engineering interlace with courses divided into four majors: Security of Information Technologies, Biometrics, Modeling and Simulation of Event Systems, and IT in Control and Decision Making. During the study principles of individual and team scientific work and research, formulation of problems, their solution and presentation are emphasized respectively. A broad professional career in the different branches of science, research, industry and services is open for graduates like auditing large information and communication systems, design security systems to protect sensitive data, modeling of work-flow processes, and embeded systems, and design and use information systems and software products in the area of control engineering in various practical application domains.