A great many people continue to suffer from mental health problems. These include depression, anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress syndrome and grief. How can these problems be effectively studied and treated? What role do mental health, physical and social factors play in the development of lifestyle-related health problems? And, above all, how can we use psychological insights to help people improve their health and prevent problems? You will address these questions in the one-year Master's programme Clinical and Health Psychology. You will specialise in clinical psychology or health promotion. This programme will enable you to develop into an academic professional. You have broad knowledge of contemporary scientific theories and instruments as well as skills related to prevention, psychotherapeutic treatment and policy formation in the area of psychological aspects of health, illness and psychopathology. You are familiar with research methods from mental healthcare or health promotion and can translate that knowledge to practice.
Accreditation: NVAO
Erasmus Mundus program: This is an Erasmus Mundus program.
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