* The academic subjects of the interdisciplinary Masters programme are concerned with the study of cultural processes and change in all areas of history, society and culture. The research-oriented Masters programme is based on an integrative concept of culture which is understood as the totality of all human activities with a material, symbolic and social dimension. It conceives of cultural change as a result of human perception, thinking and practice which is represented in language, history, society, science, art and religion. The study programme aims at the interdisciplinary directed transmission of theoretical and practical knowledge, thereby qualifying its graduates to understand the complex conditions, patterns, processes and representations of social and cultural change in globalizing societies. * A comprehensive understanding of the constituents, dimensions, and (re-)con¬structions of culture calls for interdisciplinary co-operation. The participating subjects are German and English Studies, History, Catholic Theology and Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences. The course of study consists of co-modules which reflects and analyses the context-specific and subject-specific application of methods in problem and practical areas of culture and knowledge transfer through texts and other media. The module titles are: i) historical anthropology; ii) narrative dispositions of cultures; iii) gender cultures; iv) globalization/ regionalization; v) political cultures and media; vi) cultural memory. The curricular design is based on the premise that any academic exploration of culture perceives its task as an interpretive appropriation which strives to comprehend the aesthetic, political and cognitive dimensions of cultural relationships in their basic narrative structures, and focuses on the individual in the context of his or her social relationships. * Cultural change requires a new and unique set of skills. The course of study enables graduates to understand the cultural effects of historic and contemporary theory and practice, to critically appraise the different dimensions of culture such as communication and media, science and knowledge, identity and alterity, body and gender, perception and memory, time and space in literary texts, visual artefacts, and performative acts and to apply interdisciplinary methods and approaches. The study programme also mediates key competencies relevant to practical situations. It qualifies its graduates for a professional career in the cultural and educational sector, journalism and public relations, publishing, charities and NGOs, international organisations on the one hand, and for postgraduate research on the other hand. * The Masters programme takes place in (DAAD funded) co-operation with the University of AlAzhar in Cairo, Egypt which offers similar modules starting October 2012 which are also taught in German.
1. Applicants whose native language is not German are required to be proficient in the German language at the level of C1.1 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. A Bachelor in German Studies will be recognised as proof of the required language proficiency.The German language proficiency can be proved in one of the following ways:· Test DaF at least Level 4 in all four areas or· DSH Level 2 or above, or· Großes or Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom or· Österreichisches Sprachdiplom DEUTSCH, Level C1 or· Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung of the Goethe Institute2. Prerequisite for entrance to the Master's course of study is the completion of study in Cultural Studies (Kulturwissenschaften) or a closely related course of study of at least six semesters, leading to the award of a Bachelor's degree of at least 180 ECTS credit points, or an equivalent degree in a course of study at a German or foreign university or higher education institution.Equivalent degrees which have been obtained in a country which is not a signatory to the Bologna Agreement must be recognised by the University of Vechta on the basis of the recommendations of the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) at the Secretariat of the Standing Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Federal States of Germany (KMK), which is responsible for recognition and evaluation of foreign educational qualifications ( 3. Applicants must have obtained a Bachelor's degree or equivalent with a grade of at leastequivalent to 2.5 in the German Grading System.Please contact the International Office (international.office@uni-vechta.de) for translation the grades of your country.4. The applicant must have obtained basic knowledge of the methods of empirical social sciences. The respective module may be required to be completed at the University of Vechta within two semesters.5. The application for admission to the University of Vechta must be personally signed by the applicant and accompanied by the following documents: (a) the degree certificate or certificates of the applicant in the form of legally certified copies or, if the originals are not in English or German, legally notarised German or English translations. If a degree certificate is not yet available, a written confirmation of the work performed, credits earned and the average grade is to be supplied; (b) a curriculum vitae in tabular form, in German, providing a convincing account of the course of education, together with a recent photograph; (c) if the native language of the applicant is not German, proof of adequate proficiency in the German language; (d) a declaration of whether the applicant has successfully completed, attempted but failed, or begun but not yet completed this Master's course or a Master's course in a closely related area of study; (e) a written account in which the motivation of the applicant for undertaking this course of study or their research interest in the area is apparent; (f) where appropriate, employers' references and evidence of extracurricular activities, achievements outside higher education which are relevant to the student's studies, or particular subject-specific knowledge, where these provide specific indications of the suitability of the applicant for the course of study.
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