Double Degree Programme in Quantitative Economics Berlin and Mannheim and ENSAE and ENSAI

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: German English
80 place StudyQA ranking:5194 Duration:

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Language requirements

German - B2
French - B2
English - B1 (Statistics), C1 (Economics)
All have to be ensured via a certificate for prior studies in the respective language or a commonly acknowledged certificate for the respective language (UniCERT, Cambridge Certificate, TOEFL, IELTS, Sprachdiplom, etc.).

Required DSH / TestDaF


Academic requirements

Bachelor's degree in Economics, Statistics, or Mathematics

Enrolment fees

HU Berlin - 320 EUR
University of Mannheim - 140 EUR
ENSAI - 550 EUR + 200 EUR for mandatory health insurance
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