Courses prepare professional specialists in electronics and telecommunications, capable for undertaking various engineering and scientific activities related to research, design, construction, production, exploitation, management and implementation of services. The courses provide wide resource of knowledge and skills in math applications, numerical methods and optimization, programmable logic devices and digital systems, information and encoding theory, safety of information systems, electromagnetic compatibility, photonics and fibre-optic technique, wireless telecommunications, industrial electronics, advanced electronic systems for measurement and control of industrial equipment and processes, computer networks and systems, advanced digital signal processing techniques and securing of data in modern telecommunication networks and systems.
Specialization Electronic Equipment includes extended subject-matters related to micro-controllers, antennas, wave transmission and propagation, broadcasting and radio-communication, micro-processor technique, photonics and fibre-optic technique, electromagnetic compatibility and safety of information systems.
Education requirements:
BSc (or equivalent) degree conforming completion of 1st level (undergraduate) studies or MSc (or equivalent) degree conforming completion of 2nd level (graduate) studies. The studies in “Electronics and Telecommunications” or related courses are required.
Want to improve your English level for admission?
Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.
✔️ Flexible study schedule
✔️ Experienced teachers
✔️ Certificate upon completion
📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.
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