In order to obtain the CLE degree, the following courses must be successfully completed:
- Four courses on the law of the country (preferably core subjects, e.g. contract law, constitutional law, penal law)
- One course on European institutional law
- One course on comparative law
Attendance at one seminar at Leibniz Universität Hannover belonging to the same field of laws as the topic of the CLE thesis
Successful completion of a CLE thesis of 50 to 80 pages in length
Successful disputation of the thesis for 45 minutes in the presence of a three-person examining board (at least two members of the examining board must be professors)
It should be noted that each of the ELPIS partner universities has developed a different approach to preparing the students for their study period abroad. In addition to the general courses in European Law and Comparative Law, specific introductory courses in the legal systems and the political, economic and social framework of the respective host countries are offered to the students.
At Leibniz Universität Hannover, students (German and foreign) have to attend a special colloquium called "European Legal Practice", which consists of lectures and tutorials.
For a precise description of content(s), please visit our homepage: Elpis I
Educational organisation
The "European Legal Practice" programme (ELPIS) is a supplementary course of study that aims at enhancing students' knowledge acquired during their standard studies leading to a national law degree. Participants receive training in European and Comparative Law as well as in the legal systems of different EU countries. It is meant to prepare future lawyers for transnational legal practice in the Common Market."European Legal Practice" has become a well-established programme over the past two semesters. A great number of students and academic staff members have participated in the exchange between the partner universities. Unique teaching materials have been prepared, research projects on specific legal problems have been carried out, and a series of workshops (summer academies) have been administered within the programme. The exchange of members of the academic teaching staff has proven to be of great benefit to the reciprocal learning process of all participants. Contacts with experienced legal practitioners and the local bar associations complement the studies.
Study abroad unit(s)
Two semesters at one of our partner universitiesInternships
The ELPIS/Erasmus Office and the ELPIS Initiative can assist students in finding internships, which allow students to gain valuable professional experience.Forms of assessment
Four courses on national law, oral or written exams (each course 4 ECTS)One course on European law, oral or written exam (8 to12 ECTS)
One course on European Legal Practice plus tutorial, written exam (6 ECTS)
One seminar corresponding to the subject area of the CLE thesis (8 to 12 ECTS)
CLE thesis (12 ECTS)
Disputation (12 ECTS)
Course objectives
The aim of the CLE programme (ELPIS) is to give students the opportunity to enhance their knowledge through additional training in several national legal systems of different EU member states, as well as in European law.Students are prepared for a legal career within the European Common Market by an integrated study period, generally one year abroad. As one year is quite a short period for thorough studies, the aim is not the acquisition of in-depth knowledge equivalent to the knowledge of the legal system of the student's home country. Neither should the student focus on the courses of the Law of the European Institutions. Instead, participants are supposed to acquire soft skills which are in demand particularly in the growing Common Market: a feeling for different ways of legal thinking and legal argument, the skill of finding and understanding foreign sources of law as well as the ability to link rules of different legal systems and institutional backgrounds in the context of the Law of the European Institutions.
Language requirements
Proven knowledge of the language of instruction of the partner universityAcademic requirements
The prerequisite for participation in the CLE programme (ELPIS I) is successful completion of the second year of legal studies at a university within the EU or in an EFTA country. German students have to be registered for a law degree at Leibniz Universität Hannover, while students from abroad are admitted to Leibniz Universität Hannover after selection by the partner universities. Candidates should have a working knowledge of their own legal system and on that basis be able to enlarge their legal horizon at one of the ELPIS partner universities under a foreign jurisdiction.Want to improve your English level for admission?
Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.
- ✔️ Flexible study schedule
- ✔️ Experienced teachers
- ✔️ Certificate upon completion
📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.
Enrolment fees
Approx. 300 EURCosts of living
See: opportunities
See: opportunities within the university
Arrival support
The International Office offers a variety of services and support for international students.It helps students in finding suitable accommodation, offers a pick up service from the airport or railway station, provides newly arrived students with a "study buddy" and helps them deal with administrative issues. Moreover, it organises an orientation week at the beginning of each semester.
Services and support for international students
ELPIS Initiative and tutors, Study Buddy Programme (International Office, Leibniz Universität Hannover)Accommodation
Please contact the Erasmus Office of the Faculty of Law with all questions concerning