In this two-year programme at Leibniz Universität Hannover, students
- focus on different spatial patterns of development on national and European level as well as on challenges or potentials of spatial planning and development
- become familiar with appropriate public incentives and measures
- deal with action and instrument-related approaches for supporting an integrated spatial development
EuMiTD is a research-oriented Master of Science programme which gives international students the opportunity to qualify for demanding positions in occupational fields such as spatial planning or transport planning, and also for "new" fields such as integrated regional development, sustainable urban development, cohesion policy, transnational cooperation activities, or funding consultancy and management. The education is therefore interdisciplinary.
EuMiTD is organised jointly with the Technische Universität Braunschweig and in cooperation with the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, the University François Rabelais, Tours, the University of the West of England, Bristol, the University of Wageningen, and the University of Stockholm.
Educational organisation
In the first and second semesters, courses will be held on the topics of- integrated approaches of urban and regional planning and development in international contexts in consideration of specific approaches such as transport and mobility policies, landscape planning or settlement development as well as
- territorial governance and
- approaches in the fields of planning theory and sociology
These courses are accompanied by self-organised, project-oriented work, giving students the opportunity to develop independent solutions to complex practical problems and to research questions within small groups. Students can also work on the development and improvement of soft skills, such as self-management, and presentation skills, as well as on their ability to work in interdisciplinary teams; all of these skills are required for successful scientific work.
In addition, German language courses will be offered.
In the third semester, students study abroad at one of the five partner universities.
In the fourth semester, students complete their Master's thesis under supervision.
More information regarding the curriculum is available at:
Study abroad unit(s)
Participants spend the third semester of the programme at one of the five partner universities (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, University François Rabelais, Tours, University of the West of England, Bristol, University of Wageningen or University of Stockholm).Forms of assessment
Depending on the course, e.g. exams are either written or oral, project work (15 ECTS), Master's thesis (30 ECTS).Course objectives
The coordinated curriculum and the experiences obtained as well as the intercultural competence achieved during the semester abroad improve the profile of the graduates and their chances on the national and European labour market. Through the cooperation with the listed European universities and the intensive study of European challenges and chances of territorial development, future practitioners and scientists are qualified for both leading scientific or project management positions in the classical occupational fields such as spatial planning or transport planning, and also for "new" fields such as integrated regional development, sustainable urban development, cohesion policy, transnational cooperation activities or funding consultancy and management.Language requirements
Applicants must provide proof of their language skills:English: B2 CEFR or higher, or equivalent TOEFL 500 (paper-based) or 170 (computer-based) or 80 (internet-based), IELTS 5.0 or equivalent
Notice for the mandatory semester abroad:
If modules are chosen in national languages, applicants must provide proof of their German, French, Dutch, or Swedish skills (B2 CEFR or equivalent)
Academic requirements
Bachelor's degree (or equivalent) in relevant academic disciplines (urban and regional planning, environmental planning, geography, etc.) with a grade of 2.5 or higherApplications are welcome even when the requisite degree has not yet been awarded at the time of application (83.33% of in total required achievements must be successfully completed, i.e. at least 150 ECTS).
However, successful applicants cannot enrol in the EuMiTD Master course until the requisite degree has been formally awarded.
Want to improve your English level for admission?
Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.
- ✔️ Flexible study schedule
- ✔️ Experienced teachers
- ✔️ Certificate upon completion
📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.
Enrolment fees
Unless otherwise noted by the faculty, on enrolment, students have to pay approx. 370 EUR administrative fee including a semester ticket (free public transport for six months in Hannover and on local trains within Lower Saxony).Costs of living
Expenses per month:Rent, additional costs: 282 EUR
Food: 148 EUR
Health (health insurance, medicine, consultations): 60 EUR
Clothing: 49 EUR
Telephone, internet, etc.: 43 EUR
Other (cultural events, sports, leisure activities): 81 EUR
Total costs of living: 663 EUR
Administrative/semester fee: 84 EUR
Other study costs: 45 EUR
Total study costs: 129 EUR
Total costs: 792 EUR
Job opportunities
There are many opportunities to work as a student assistant (Hiwi) or outside the university:
Arrival support
The International Office offers a variety of services and support for international students.It helps students in finding suitable accommodation, offers a pick-up service from the airport or railway station, provides newly arrived students with a "study buddy" and helps them deal with administrative issues. Moreover, it organises an orientation week at the beginning of each semester.
Services and support for international students
Every semester, the International Office organises a variety of events, workshops, and trips especially for international students. They range from cultural, political or historical topics to BBQ or rowing.
In addition, the International Office offers financial support for students in a situation of social need.
The International Office at the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape Sciences assists foreign students in transitional phases and supports them while they are studying in our faculty.
The International Office, in cooperation with the "Studentenwerk" (Student Services), offers an accommodation service for all newly incoming international students and scholars. This free service can help you find a suitable room or apartment. In the case that you don't need your accommodation for a certain period of time, we can try to help you to rent out your room.Please contact: