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This course aims to qualify students as information and knowledge professionals in diverse and contemporary environments. It is designed to equip students with the relevant skills for professional practice in all knowledge and information management agencies including libraries.
The course emphasises the management and use of digital information for a diverse society and an organisations competitive advantage in the effective use of the internet. A broad theoretical base, emphasising the need for communication, is translated into the necessary skills for professional practice.
The course allows for specialisation in the fields of Knowledge Management, Internet Communication, Records Management and Librarianship or a general stream that allows students to customise an information studies qualification to suit their needs.
- Standard two semesters full-time or equivalent. Maximum eight semesters.
Award(s) /Official Abbreviation
- Master of Information Studies / M InfSt
- Master of Information Studies in Internet Communication
- Master of Information Studies in Records Management
- Master of Information Studies in Librarianship
- Master of Information Studies in Knowledge Management
(a) Master of Information Studies (24 credit points)
- (b) Students will choose a generalist course or one of four specialisations. The mix of required and restricted choice units will depend on this choice and is outlined below.
- (c) Required as follows:
- (a) Information Studies (generalist) - Must pass 3 credit points as follows
- 7935 - Dimensions of the Information Sector PG - 3 cp, Level P
- (b) Knowledge Management specialisation- Must pass 18 credit points as follows
- 7604 - Knowledge Sharing and Communication using the Internet PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7606 - Information Architecture for the Web PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7935 - Dimensions of the Information Sector PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8116 - Leadership in the Knowledge Society PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8306 - Knowledge and Information Management Processes PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 9486 - Knowledge Management Principles PG - 3 cp, Level P
- (c) Internet Communication specialisation - Must pass 12 credit points as follows
- 7604 - Knowledge Sharing and Communication using the Internet PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7605 - Web Design and Development PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7606 - Information Architecture for the Web PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7607 - Managing the Online Environment PG - 3 cp, Level P
- (d) Librarianship specialisation - Must pass 18 credit points as follows
- 7604 - Knowledge Sharing and Communication using the Internet PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7935 - Dimensions of the Information Sector PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7939 - Information Service Management PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8111 - Information Organisation and Description PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8112 - Professional Practice in the Information Sector PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8113 - Connecting People and Information PG - 3 cp, Level P
- (e) Records Management specialisation - Must pass 18 credit points as follows
- 7935 - Dimensions of the Information Sector PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7939 - Information Service Management PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8111 - Information Organisation and Description PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8112 - Professional Practice in the Information Sector PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8306 - Knowledge and Information Management Processes PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8307 - Recordkeeping Concepts and Practice PG - 3 cp, Level P
- (a) Information Studies (generalist) - Must pass 3 credit points as follows
- (d) Restricted Choice as follows:
- (a) Information Studies (generalist) - Must pass 21 credit points from the following
- 6688 - Knowledge Management Systems PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7604 - Knowledge Sharing and Communication using the Internet PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7605 - Web Design and Development PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7606 - Information Architecture for the Web PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7607 - Managing the Online Environment PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7939 - Information Service Management PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8111 - Information Organisation and Description PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8116 - Leadership in the Knowledge Society PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8306 - Knowledge and Information Management Processes PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8307 - Recordkeeping Concepts and Practice PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8791 - Independent Study PG - 6 cp, Level P
- 9486 - Knowledge Management Principles PG - 3 cp, Level P
- (b) Knowledge Management specialisation - Must pass 6 credit points from the following
- 6688 - Knowledge Management Systems PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7605 - Web Design and Development PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7607 - Managing the Online Environment PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7939 - Information Service Management PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8111 - Information Organisation and Description PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8307 - Recordkeeping Concepts and Practice PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8791 - Independent Study PG - 6 cp, Level P
- (c) Internet Communication specialisation - Must pass 12 credit points from the following
- 7935 - Dimensions of the Information Sector PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7939 - Information Service Management PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8111 - Information Organisation and Description PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8116 - Leadership in the Knowledge Society PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8306 - Knowledge and Information Management Processes PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8307 - Recordkeeping Concepts and Practice PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8791 - Independent Study PG - 6 cp, Level P
- 9105 - Advanced Marketing Communication Theory PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 9109 - Marketing Communication Principles G - 3 cp, Level G
- 9110 - Principles of Strategic Communication G - 3 cp, Level G
- 9486 - Knowledge Management Principles PG - 3 cp, Level P
- (d) Librarianship specialisation - Must pass 6 credit points from the following
- 6621 - Advanced Legal Research and Writing PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 6688 - Knowledge Management Systems PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7605 - Web Design and Development PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7606 - Information Architecture for the Web PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7607 - Managing the Online Environment PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8116 - Leadership in the Knowledge Society PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8306 - Knowledge and Information Management Processes PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8307 - Recordkeeping Concepts and Practice PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8791 - Independent Study PG - 6 cp, Level P
- 9486 - Knowledge Management Principles PG - 3 cp, Level P
- (e) Records Management specialisation - Must pass 6 credit points from the following
- 6621 - Advanced Legal Research and Writing PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 6688 - Knowledge Management Systems PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7604 - Knowledge Sharing and Communication using the Internet PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7606 - Information Architecture for the Web PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 7607 - Managing the Online Environment PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8116 - Leadership in the Knowledge Society PG - 3 cp, Level P
- 8791 - Independent Study PG - 6 cp, Level P
- 9486 - Knowledge Management Principles PG - 3 cp, Level P
- (a) Information Studies (generalist) - Must pass 21 credit points from the following
Want to improve your English level for admission?
Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.
- ✔️ Flexible study schedule
- ✔️ Experienced teachers
- ✔️ Certificate upon completion
📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.
Please note that UC Scholarships are available to all students, including interstate campus students.
New Scholarships 2014:
- Max Salthouse Leadership Scholarship for Women
- Rotary Club of Ginninderra Scholarship
- The Neilson Foundation (in association with Platinum Asset Management) scholarship for Second and Third Year Financial Planning Students
- Platinum Asset Management Scholarship for Second and Third Year Financial Planning Students
- University of Canberra and John & Helen Grant Scholarship for Educational Leadership
Apply for a Scholarship at the University of Canberra
As a student you could be eligible for a University of Canberra Scholarship. The University has a number of scholarships available to all students, including Postgraduate, Undergraduate, Domestic and International students. Scholarships are available in most disciplines and are supported by community organisations, the Government and the University of Canberra.
- Step 1: Search - via semester/specific course/category and find scholarships that match your circumstances;
- Step 2: Collect and complete supporting documentation to submit with your application;
- Step 3: Log in to the applicant portal and apply online.
The Librarianship stream is accredited by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). The Master of Information Studies is accredited by Records Management Professionals Australasia (RIMPA). No professional recognition is available for the Knowledge Management and Internet Communication streams.