This program is intended to meet the needs arising from the considerable renewed interest in nuclear energy at the international level. In France alone, the demand for new engineers and managers for the nuclear industry will be on the order of 1,000 per year, at least, over the next 10 years.
The Nuclear Energy specialized curriculum – a professionalizing program, which is also research oriented to a certain extent – is jointly offered with Paris-Sud University, and INSTN. The curriculum’s pedagogical objectives include providing an introduction to multidisciplinary methodological research and a preparation for careers in large industrial corporations.
CentraleSupélec is heavily involved in meeting the pressing demand of the nuclear industry for specific expertise by training a significant number of managers, especially foreign, in nuclear technologies. The program has a strong international orientation, both in its recruitment of foreign students and in its training, which is conducted entirely in English. This Master’s program is open to, and specifically designed for, foreign students from countries with strong potential demand for nuclear expertise, and from countries where the companies that support this training are established for long-term nuclear operations. The presence of these companies abroad makes them potential employers of the foreign students enrolled in the program.
First Semester
Common Core:
Introduction to Safety
Functional Description of Nuclear Plants
Management, Risk Management
Applied Nuclear Physics
Specialization Courses
Installation Direction
Radioprotection (2)
Reactor Thermal Hydraulics
Second Semester
Specialization Courses:
Safety and Production
Installation Maintenance
Instrumentation and Calculation Codes
For foreign national applicants (outside of the European Union and European Economic Area (EEA), Switzerland, Monaco or Andorra):
Consult the consular authorities concurrently to find out the procedures for obtaining your student visa. Depending on which country you are from, some authorities may ask you to use the CampusFrance facility.
The CampusFrance procedure must be followed concurrently with submission of your application to your choice of study program on the Université Paris-Saclay platform:
Want to improve your English level for admission?
Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.
- ✔️ Flexible study schedule
- ✔️ Experienced teachers
- ✔️ Certificate upon completion
📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.
International mobility grant (IdEx Paris-Saclay)
The IdEx Paris-Saclay project, of which CentraleSupélec is a partner, aims to promote international openness to master’s-level training programs provided by partner institutions, and to facilitate access for high-level international students wishing to develop a research training project up to doctoral level.
As such, for each university academic year, a one-year grant will be granted (for candidates accepted into the 2nd year of a Master’s degree), which can be renewed (for candidates admitted into the 1st year of a Master’s degree subject to obtaining successful results), to international students, to fund their completion of a Master’s degree with CentraleSupélec.
Applicants must first submit an application online (Application section). The person in charge of the training selects, from among the admitted, candidates to whom he will propose to apply for this scholarship. Each selected candidate will then be informed by e-mail so that they can complete their application for the scholarship; He must in particular provide the email address of two referrers who must complete their recommendations online before the deadline specified in website of University Paris-Saclay.
Ile-de-France Master’s degree grant
International applicants for a Master’s degree may be eligible for financial support from the Ile-de-France Regional Council.
This support is for foreign national students arriving for the first time, aged 30 and under in the year of selection, and wishing to complete a Master’s degree in whichever field of studies they have chosen.
All nationalities are eligible. However, priority will be given to candidates from priority decentralized cooperation areas of the region, or developing countries, particularly in Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East or new European Union member states.
Candidates must first file an application online, specifying in the grant section that they would like to apply for the Ile-de-France grant.
After first submitting the online application for their chosen Master’s degree program and downloading the grant request form from the Ile-de-France website, international candidates must then return this with all necessary documents – before March 1 - to:
Programme Master
CentraleSupélec - Direction des Études
Bâtiment Olivier - Bureau N 104
Grande Voie des Vignes
92295 Châtenay-Malabry cedex
The Studies Board can then establish the list of eligible candidates before their grant file is sent within the decision deadline imposed by the Ile-de-France Regional Council.
Grants offered on the CampusFrance website
The CampusFrance “Campus Grant” directory provides you with quick access to information about financial support, enables you to search according to your profile and describes various government institution, local authority, company, foundation and higher education institution programs.