About the Master ProgrammeThe application-oriented master programme Rural Geographies Change via Globalization addresses issues of rural sustainable development in times of globalization.
In the beginning, you will visit courses which deal with ecology, economic and social changes in rural areas and geographic aspects of globalization. Afterwards, you will concentrate on your main focus either Economic/Social Geography or Geo-/Agroecology. Additionally, you will visit tutorials about research methods and professional experience. The master programme comprises the possibility to go abroad (3rd semester) or, as an alternative, to attend elective courses at the University of Vechta. The most important unique selling proposition of this application-oriented master programme is the emphasis on rural geographies and spatial aspects of globalization, which is unique in this combination in Germany.
Selected Questions
* Which consequences does globalization have for rural areas and how can regions handle new challenges?
* Can globalization be reformed with regard to sustainable rural development and if yes, how?
* Which possible role can geography play to bring forward progressive globalization processes?
Programme Courses
The master programme Rural Geographies Change via Globalization prepares you in three areas of competence.
Professional Competence
The programme conveys the principles for explaining the change of landscape, economy, and society in times of globalization, although the main focus is on sustainable development in rural areas.
Methodic Competence
You will carry out own studies and projects; practice-oriented courses will give you the possibility for profes-sional orientation. The procurement of methodic compe-tence does play a big role in this application-oriented master programme. This includes field- and laboratory tutorials as well as GIS and SPSS-based processing and data analysis.
International/Intercultural Competence
Foreign languages and international experiences with the development of intercultural competence become in-creasingly important. A stay abroad can be absolved at one of our partner universities or at any place you want. Teaching will be performed in German and English.
Aims and ProfessionThe master programme Rural Geographies Change via Globalization gives our students - depending on their main focus Economic/Social Geography or Geo-/Agroecology - the skills and competences which they need to successfully start their professional career. Our graduates have very good job prospects. Due to our alumni network, we have diverse contacts to science and economy.
The master programme offers the possibility to work in companies and public institutions as well as making a career in research (e.g. universities).
Possible Occupational Areas
Regional Planning
Economic Promotion
Location Planning
Social- and Market Research
Tourism and Regional Marketing
Environmental- and Nature Conservation
Real Estate Industry
Development Cooperation and International Organizations
Transport Planning and Mobility Management
Media- and Public Relations
Accreditated by ACQUIN.