Science - Psychology / Commerce - Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
StudyQA ranking:3742 Duration:4 years

This dual degree is designed to provide a basis in and appreciation of the scientific discipline of psychology in addition to the human resource management and industrial relations professions. This blend provides students with a highly marketable knowledge base which enables them to connect with a broad range of professionals, managers and advisers, and also provides a foundation for graduate studies in either professional application or research. Students enrolled in the dual degree program may elect to transfer to a single level course in one of the two areas. In this event the relevant Head of School will determine the total amount of charge to be moved into the single level.

Graduates are eligible to apply for membership of the Australian Human Resource Institute. Last year in psychology is required to make an application for associate membership of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and also for provisional registration as a psychologist. In Australia two years supervised psychological practice after fourth calendar year, or conclusion of a two-year masters program or a one year professional masters plus one year of supervised psychological training, is necessary for full registration as a psychologist.

Please refer to for additional details on entry to this course.

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