Control and information technology components are increasingly used in complex engineering systems. The pervasive infiltration of computer systems (embedded systems and networks) in engineered products and in society requires new insights and ideas in engineering research, education and entrepreneurship.
Model-based system integration methodology combined with an overall emphasis on compositional design methodology then appears as a crucial issue in modern process automation and research in automatic control.
The proposed curriculum consequently includes advanced topics in control-oriented modeling, systems theory, supervision, communication networks and real-time operation, along with the more classical multi-objective and discrete-events control issues. Our aim is to provide high level knowledge and skills for research and developments (R & D) in process automation, from the latest theories to their applications.
Curriculum Two specialties, with different pedagogical goals, are offered:
* Industrial Processes Automation (IPA, former PSPI) aims at the industrial world, with a focus on team working and communication, technological innovation and the adaptability to new environments.
* Control and Systems Theories (CST, former Auto), oriented towards research with the development of analytical skills and independent working capabilities.
The distinction between these two specialties is expressed by automation-oriented classes (networks, real-time implementation...), a higher proportion of labs and team projects in IPA, while more advanced courses in system theory and personal projects are proposed in CST.
The classes are given in English and organized in two semesters:
* September to December: theoretical classes;
* January to June: project and 5 months of industrial or research internship.
Common classes
* PAUT53A0: Multi-Objective Control (6 ECTS) * Optimization and optimal control (21 h)
* Robust multivariable control (20 h)
* PAUT53A1: Modeling and System Identification (3 ECTS) * Modeling for control and system identification (24 h)
* PAUT54A0: Discrete Event Systems (3 ECTS) * Hybrid Control (21 h)
* Controlled markov chains and automata (13.5 h)
* PANG53A1: UE transversale (3 ECTS) * Public speaking (24 h)
* or French as a foreign language
* PAUT54A1: Project Management and Seminars (3 ECTS) * Project management (10.5 h)
* Industrial seminars (27 h, for IPA)
* Research seminar (15 h, for CST)
IPA classes
* PGTR53A0: Communication Systems (3 ECTS) * Protocols and Networks Architectures (18 h)
* Communication labs (16 h)
* PAUT53A7: Network Applications (6 ECTS) * Security of Network (18 h)
* Security labs (8 h)
* Field buses and Zigbee (10.5 h)
* Field buses and Zigbee labs (15 h)
* PAUT53A6: Supervision and Diagnosis (3 ECTS) * Safety, Supervision and Diagnosis (20 h)
* Supervision labs (10 h)
* PAUT53A2: Control labs and design project (3 ECTS) * Robust control labs (16 h)
* Optimal control labs (15 h)
* PAUT53A3: Embedded control and Modeling labs (3 ECTS) * Embedded control & Labview (18 h)
* Modeling labs (27 h)
CST classes
* PAUT53A8: Nonlinear & Predictive Control (6 ECTS) * Nonlinear control (20 h)
* Predictive control (14 h)
* PAUT53A9: Modeling and Control of Partial Differential Equations (6 ECTS) * Analysis and control (13.5 h)
* Modeling and inverse problems (13.5 h)
* Distributed optimization (13.5 h)
* CDFT1-05: Introduction to Data Assimilation (3 ECTS, 27h)
* GMAP53S2: Efficient methods in optimization (3 ECTS, 27h)
Scholarships Several financial ressources are available for foreign students with excellent accademic background:
* Students with excellent accademic records and highly interested in pursuing a Ph.D. thesis with a lab in Grenoble can apply to the UJF predoc or to the Persyval-lab predoc scholarships!
* Eiffel scholarships for foreign students.
* Scholarships "Accueil sup" offered by Region Rhone-Alpes
* More on Campus France
University Joseph Fourier (UJF) and Grenoble Institut National Polytechnique (Grenoble INP)