Urban and Regional Planning

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
Foreign:$ 36.8 k / Year(s) Deadline: Mar 1, 2026
201–250 place StudyQA ranking:6855 Duration:2 years

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The MURP degree program is fully accredited by the Planning Accreditation Board. It is a professional program designed to:

  • Equip students to fill professional planning and policy analysis roles in public agencies, international organizations, private firms, and community groups, particularly in Hawai‘i, Asia, and the Pacific Basin
  • Develop and apply new knowledge in the field of planning; and
  • Provide service to public agencies, communities, and others concerned with urban and regional planning.

Upon completion of the Masters in Urban and Regional Planning, students will be able to:

  1. Explain major planning paradigms and their applications;
  2. Articulate processes leading to urbanization and rationales for planned interventions;
  3. Apply planning methods to organize, analyze, interpret and present information;
  4. Critically and creatively develop planning inquiries or processes to foster solutions-oriented decision-making;
  5. Effectively collaborate as a planning team to work with a client and/or stakeholders to assess and address a relevant planning problem to create a plan or professional report;
  6. Effectively present oral and written work (as a plan, professional report, or research paper) in a coherent, persuasive and professional manner; and
  7. Reflect upon the ethical implications of the choices planners make as professionals.
  • PLAN 101 Sustainable Cities (3) How do we plan and design cities to meet our long-term economic and environmental needs? Students will learn how sustainability applies to key urban issues like energy, transportation, land, and food. A-F only.
  • PLAN 310 Introduction to Planning (3) Perspectives on planning; planning tools and methods; specific Hawai'i planning–research problems from a multidisciplinary approach. Pre: junior standing or consent. (Cross-listed as GEOG 310) DS
  • PLAN 399 Directed Reading in Planning (V) Independent research on topics in urban and regional planning. Pre: 310.
  • PLAN 412 Environmental Impact Assessment (3) Introduction to analytical methods for identifying, measuring, and quantifying the impacts of changes or interventions in resource, human-environment, and other geographic systems. Pre: junior standing or higher, or consent. (Alt. years) (Cross-listed as GEOG 412)
  • PLAN 414 Building Community Resilience (3) Intended to give you a good understanding of the natural forces behind the most common natural disasters, and the human actions that reduce or increase vulnerability to natural disasters. Junior standing or higher. (Spring only) (Cross-listed as GEOG 414)
  • PLAN 421 Urban Geography (3) Origins, functions, and internal structure of cities. Problems of urban settlement, growth, decay, adaptation, and planning in different cultural and historical settings. Dynamics of urban land use and role of policies and perceptions in shaping towns and cities. Pre: GEOG 102 or 151 or 330, or consent. (Cross-listed as GEOG 421) DS
  • PLAN 473 GIS for Community Planning (3) Exploration of geographic information systems (GIS) area analysis techniques for spatial information management in community planning. Students will learn the basic concepts and principles, and practical skills of GIS through lectures, discussions, and labs. Repeatable one time. Junior standing or higher. (Fall only)
  • PLAN 495 Housing, Land, and Community (3) Analyzes availability for housing, particularly affordable housing, and its relationship to use of land and building of community. Examines public policies impacting housing, land use, and community development and ways they can be improved. Pre: 310 or consent. DS
  • PLAN 500 Master's Plan B/C Studies (1)
  • PLAN 600 Public Policy and Planning Theory (3) Designed to a) impart a historic and comparative perspective on the evolution of urban and regional planning in public policy; b) explore the spatial and built environment dimensions of society, planning and policy; c) assess the justifications for planning and differing processes of planning in the U.S. and Asia-Pacific with a focus on the role of the planner in policy formulation and implementation. Graduate students only or with permission. A-F only. Repeatable two times.
  • PLAN 601 Planning Methods (3) Basic methods in planning including problem definition, research design, survey research, statistics and computer applications. Repeatable one time. Pre: one of ECON 321, GEOG 380, or SOC 476.
  • PLAN 602 Advanced Planning Theory (3) Advanced planning theory for PhD students (others by petition) to prepare for careers in planning education and/or high level professional practice. Covers key contemporary planning policy issues and themes from the perspective of values, explanations of the real world, policy alternatives and implementation. Students must have passed 600 or equivalent (by petition) with a B or better. Repeatable one time. PhD students only or by consent. A-F only. Pre: 600 or consent.
  • PLAN 603 Urban Economics (3) Reviews and builds skills in applying basic theories and principles of urban and regional economics in contemporary U.S., Hawai'i and Asia-Pacific. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent.
  • PLAN 604 Qualitative Methods in Planning (3) Provides a general introduction to qualitative research methods for planning and planning research. Includes data collection methods (focus groups, interviews, ethnography, participant observation, and participatory action research) and various analytic methods and approaches. Graduate standing only. Pre: 601.
  • PLAN 605 Planning Models (3) Allocation, decision, derivation, and forecasting models used in the analysis of demographic, economic, land use, and transportation phenomena in urban and regional planning. Repeatable one time. Pre: one of ECON 321, GEOG 380, or SOC 476; or consent.
  • PLAN 606 Comparative Planning Histories (3) Provides students with an overview of the history of urban and regional planning in the U.S., Europe, and Asia, and the role that planning has played in shaping contemporary urban settlements. Graduate standing only. A-F only.
  • PLAN 607 Introduction to Public Policy (3) Perspectives on policy analysis; basic approaches to the study of public policy, political economy, and policy evaluation. (Cross-listed as POLS 670)
  • PLAN 608 Politics and Development: China (3) Consists of three parts: key theories for socialist transition as basis for seminar discussion, policy evolution to illustrate the radical changes, and emerging and prominent current development and practice. Pre: one of 600, POLS 308, or POLS 341; or consent. (Cross-listed as ASAN 608 and POLS 645C)
  • PLAN 610 Community Planning and Social Policy (3) Social issues and conditions; consequences of social policies experienced by different groups; community social plans and programs organized by various kinds of agencies and organizations. Repeatable one time. Pre: 600 (or concurrent) or consent.
  • PLAN 615 Housing (3) Housing delivery systems as an aspect of urban and regional planning. Pre: 610 or consent.
  • PLAN 616 Community-Based Planning (3) Planning and programmatic aspects of community-based development projects. East-West and local planning perspectives on participatory development and intentional communities. Pre: 600 (or concurrent).
  • PLAN 618 Community Economic Development (3) Community-based economic development approaches and methods explored with an emphasis on low income communities. Repeatable one time. Pre: consent. Recommended: 616.
  • PLAN 619 Multiculturalism in Planning and Policy (3) Graduate seminar focuses on issues of governance, policy and planning in diverse multicultural societies. Differences in backgrounds, languages, privilege, preferences and values are often expressed in planning and policy controversies such as affirmative action and land use planning. Will examine these controversies and explore theories of governance in a multicultural setting. Pre: 600 or consent.
  • PLAN 620 Environmental Planning and Policy (3) Survey of the political, institutional, economic, and scientific aspects of environmental planning and policies. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: 600 (or concurrent) or consent.
  • PLAN 622 Advanced Environmental Impact Assessment (3) Theory and practice of environmental impact assessment. Policy and planning frameworks supporting environmental assessment in the U.S. and abroad. Cumulative environmental effects and strategic environmental assessment. Pre: GEOG 412 or consent. (Cross-listed as GEOG 622)
  • PLAN 624 Environmental Valuation and Policy (3) Build valuation skills to assess best use, conservation, and policies relating to environmental amenities. Provides an overview of policy solutions to environmental degradation used by planners. Pre: 600 and 603.
  • PLAN 625 Climate Change, Energy and Food Security in the Asia/Pacific Region (3) Analysis of planning responses to human-induced climate change and related environmental problems. Part of the Asia/Pacific Initiative taught in collaboration with universities throughout the region via video-conferencing. Pre: 620 (or concurrent) or consent.
  • PLAN 626 Topics in Resource Management (3) Issues, analytic techniques and management strategies for different resource systems including land, water, energy, coastal resources, forests and fisheries. Course focus varies from year to year. Repeatable one time. A-F only. Pre: consent.
  • PLAN 627 Negotiation and Mediation in Planning (3) Applicability and limitations of selected approaches; role of planners; impact on planning. Pre: 600 or consent.
  • PLAN 628 Urban Environmental Problems (3) Seminar that examines environmental problems associated with urbanization. Reviews strategic approaches and collaboration among key actors to address such problems. Pre: 600 or consent.
  • PLAN 629 Advanced Negotiation (3) Mastery of advanced negotiation skills for strategic dispute resolution, non-routine problem-solving, creating partnerships and alliances, and crafting optimal agreements. Students participate in simulations and acquire personal and professional skills vital for leadership. Graduate standing only. Pre: one of the following courses: 627; or PACE 429, PACE 447, PACE 477, PACE 647, PACE 652, or PACE 668; or COMG 455 or SOC 730; or LAW 508; or MGT 660. (Cross-listed as PACE 629)
  • PLAN 630 Urban and Regional Planning in Asia (3) Key issues and policies in urban planning, rural-urban relations, rural regional planning, and frontier settlement in Asia and the Pacific. Repeatable one time. Pre: 603 or consent. (Cross-listed as GEOG 630)
  • PLAN 632 Planning in Hawai'i and Pacific Islands (3) Urban and regional planning in island settings. Experiences in Hawai'i, Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia. Pre: graduate standing.
  • PLAN 633 Globalization and Urban Policy (3) Urbanization and urban policies in the Asia and Pacific region with focus on the international dimension of national and local spatial restructuring. Pre: 630 or consent.
  • PLAN 634 Shelter and Services in Asia (3) Examines government and non-government organizations' responses to urban and rural shelter issues and services in Asia. Pre: 630 (or concurrent) or consent.
  • PLAN 636 Culture and Urban Form in Asia (3) Cultural and historical impact on urban form, contention of tradition and modernity in urban space, spatial expression of state and society, perception and utilization of urban design, evolution of urban form in selected Asian capitals. Pre: 310, 600, or ASAN 312. (Cross-listed as ASAN 636)
  • PLAN 637 Environment and Development (3) Theories and practice of development; how changing development paradigms shape different ideas concerning the environment and the management of natural resources; emerging debates in development and environment in post-modern era. (Cross-listed as GEOG 637)
  • PLAN 638 Asian Development and Urbanization (3) Theories of globalization and sustainability in development, impacts of globalization and sustainability on development planning and policy formation, selected case studies of Asia-Pacific development. Pre: (630 or ASAN 600) with a grade of B or above. (Cross-listed as ASAN 638 and GEOG 638)
  • PLAN 639 Community-based Natural Resource Management (3) Concepts and theories of community, resource access, and governance. Practical challenges to CBNRM in contemporary political economy. Pre: graduate standing. (Cross-listed as GEOG 639)
  • PLAN 640 Land Use Policies and Programs (3) Land use public policy planning in urban and regional settings. Growth management and land use guidance systems. A-F only. Pre: 600 and 601, or consent.
  • PLAN 641 Neighborhood and Community Land Use Planning (3) Land use planning for urban neighborhoods and small towns. Theory and practice of neighborhood planning. Neighborhood and community dynamics, reinvestment, and stabilization. Pre: 640 (or concurrent) or consent.
  • PLAN 642 Planning Urban Infrastructure (3) Capital budgeting, project planning, and financing for large-scale urban infrastructure. Pre: 600, 601; and consent.
  • PLAN 643 Project Planning and Management (3) Examines project management in theory and practice and the roles and responsibilities of the project manager. Focuses on planning, organizing, and controlling the efforts of projects. A-F only. Pre: consent.
  • PLAN 645 Land Use Planning (3) Issues and methods of urban land use planning practice and plan making. A-F only. Pre: 640 or consent.
  • PLAN 647 Urban and Regional Planning for Sustainability (3) Focus on ideology, conceptual models, accounting frameworks, appropriate technologies, and indicators of planning for sustainability. Central and local policies, plans, and best practices in various countries and settings will be covered. Graduate students only. A-F only. (Alt. years)
  • PLAN 648 Urban Transportation Policy and Planning (3) Theory and practice of urban transportation planning in developed and developing countries with an emphasis on the U.S., Asia, and Pacific region. A-F only. Pre: 600 and 601, or consent.
  • PLAN 649 Asian Cities: Historical Evolution of Urban Form (3) Examination of the impact of economy, society, and history on urban form; case studies of the evolution of Asian urban form. Pre: 310 or ASAN 312. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as ASAN 649)
  • PLAN 650 Research Design Seminar (3) Research design and preparation of thesis proposal. Normally taken after admission to candidacy in MURP. Pre: consent.
  • PLAN 652 Policy Implementation and Program Evaluation (3) Implementation and evaluation in public policy analysis; philosophical and methodological issues; impact of policies and plans; use of evaluation research in program implementation. Pre: 601 or consent.
  • PLAN 654 Applied Geographic Information Systems: Public Policy and Spatial Analysis (3) Use of advanced and specialized spatial methods and models in urban and regional planning. Uses GIS software and builds upon 601. Skills are useful applied to planning, economic development, and environmental planning and resource management. Repeatable one time. Pre: graduate standing or consent.
  • PLAN 655 Planning Research Methods (3) Advanced methods and deterministic and stochastic models used in urban and regional planning. Pre: 601, 605; or consent.
  • PLAN 661 Collaboration Between Sectors (3) Examine theories and practices of multisector collaboration (public, private, nonprofit). The use of collaboration as an alternative way of solving public problems.
  • PLAN 670 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (3) Provides a background for understanding the diverse components of this dynamic and expanding field. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Once a year)
  • PLAN 671 Disaster Management: Understanding the Nature of Hazards (3) Combined lecture/ discussion in disaster management focusing on the scientific understanding of the forces and processes underlying natural hazards; and human attempts to respond to these through mitigation and planning activities. Pre: 670 or consent. (Once a year) (Cross-listed as GG 604)
  • PLAN 672 Humanitarian Assistance: Principles, Practices and Politics (3) Combined lecture/discussion aimed at understanding the theoretical basis and working structure of humanitarian assistance programs and international responses to natural and human-induced disasters. Pre: 670 or consent. (Once a year)
  • PLAN 673 Information Systems for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance (3) Combined lecture/laboratory in disaster management focusing on essential methodological and practical issues that are involved in spatial analyses using GIS and other information technologies to inform decision making related to natural hazards, disasters, and human attempts to respond to these through mitigation and planning activities. Pre: 670 or consent. (Once a year)
  • PLAN 674 Disaster Recovery: Theory and Practice (3) How do communities recover from disaster? Provides students with an overview of recovery theory and an understanding of how planners, policy makers, and ordinary citizens rebuild communities, cities, and nations following catastrophic events. A-F only. Graduate standing only.
  • PLAN 675 Preservation: Theory and Practice (3) History and philosophy of historic preservation movement. Analysis of values and assumptions, methodologies and tactics, implications for society and public policy. (Cross-listed as AMST 675 and ARCH 628)
  • PLAN 676 Recording Historic and Cultural Resources (3) Techniques in recording and evaluation of historic buildings and other resources, with an emphasis on field recordings and state and federal registration procedures. Pre: graduate standing or consent. (Cross-listed as AMST 676 and ANTH 676)
  • PLAN 677 Historic Preservation Planning (3) Local-level historic preservation, with an emphasis on historic districts, design guidelines, regulatory controls, and community consensus-building. (Cross-listed as AMST 677)
  • PLAN 678 Site Planning (3) Fundamental principles that guide site planning, including planning and design determinants of the site taking into account its regional context, site-specific characteristics and applicable codes, ordinances, and standards. PLAN and ARCH majors only. (Fall only)
  • PLAN 680 Land Use Management and Control (V) Survey course of public land use management. (Cross-listed as LAW 580)
  • PLAN 699 Directed Reading and Research (V) Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent of instructor and department chair.
  • PLAN 700 Thesis Research (V) Limited to MURP students under Plan A. Repeatable unlimited times. Pre: consent.
  • PLAN 721 Homeland Security: Terrorism (3) Combined lecture/discussion in disaster management and humanitarian assistance track focusing on developing a multidisciplinary understanding of international terrorism and anti-terrorism planning and response. Pre: 670 or consent. (Once a year)
  • PLAN 740 Seminar in Planning Theory (3) Special topics in theory, history, analysis. Pre: 600 or consent.
  • PLAN 741 Seminar in Planning Practice (3) Project planning, programming, and similar topics. Pre: 600 and 601, or consent.
  • PLAN 751 Planning Practicum (6) Team experience in defining and addressing a current planning problem; identification, substantive review, research design, preparation and presentation of analysis. Topic varies. Limited to 10 students. Pre: 600, 601; and consent.
  • PLAN 752 Directed Project (V) Individual project in analysis, plan preparation and evaluation, and policy/program evaluation. Pre: 600, 601; and consent.
  • PLAN 754 Urban Design Studio (6) Group experience in defining urban and regional design problems and potentials, developing and evaluating alternatives, formulating strategies for implementation. Pre: 640 or consent.
  • PLAN 800 Dissertation Research (1) Research for doctoral dissertation. Repeatable unlimited times. S/U only. PhD student only. Pre: consent.


  1. Application form;
  2. One official copy of transcripts directly from the registrar of each institution attended;
  3. Official GRE (GEN) scores (required of all doctoral applicants; strongly recommended for M.S. applicants);
  4. Non-native speakers of English are required to submit either a TOEFL or IELTS Academic score with a minumum of 76 iBT and 6.5 respectively.
  5. Application fee $100
  6. Interest statement;
  7. Three letters of recommendation from former professors or employers;
  8. Curriculum vitae (one page).

Want to improve your English level for admission?

Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.

  • ✔️ Flexible study schedule
  • ✔️ Experienced teachers
  • ✔️ Certificate upon completion

📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.

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  • Graduate Assistantships
  • Achievement Scholarships
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