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Karolinska Institute (KI) is one of the world's leading medical universities, located in Stockholm, Sweden. Founded in 1810, it is renowned for its research and education in medicine and health sciences. The university is responsible for selecting the Nobel Prize laureates in Physiology or Medicine, further solidifying its global reputation in medical research and innovation.
KI offers a wide range of undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs, with a strong emphasis on biomedical sciences, public health, and clinical medicine. The university collaborates with hospitals and research institutions worldwide, ensuring that students and researchers have access to cutting-edge medical advancements.
Research at Karolinska Institute covers various fields, including neuroscience, cancer, epidemiology, and regenerative medicine. The university is home to numerous research centers and institutes that contribute to groundbreaking discoveries in medical science. With a strong focus on translational research, KI aims to bridge the gap between laboratory findings and clinical applications, improving healthcare outcomes globally.
The university attracts students and researchers from all over the world, fostering a diverse and international academic environment. English is widely used in teaching and research, making it accessible to international students. KI also offers exchange programs and collaborations with prestigious institutions worldwide, enhancing its global impact.
Karolinska Institute's main campus is located in Solna, just outside central Stockholm, with additional facilities in Flemingsberg. The university provides state-of-the-art laboratories, libraries, and medical training centers, ensuring that students receive high-quality education and hands-on experience.
With a strong commitment to innovation and excellence, Karolinska Institute continues to be a leader in medical education and research, contributing to advancements in healthcare and improving lives worldwide.
Department of Biosciences and Nutrition
The Department of Biosciences and Nutrition performs research and education in areas of medical science including molecular endocrinology, cancer biology, functional genomics, systems biology, epigenetics, structural biochemistry, cellular virology, and nutrition. The department offers an international study and working environment, including about 300 scientists, students, administrative and technical personnel.
Our Vision is that the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition shall conduct biomedical research at the international research front that attracts world-class individuals coupled to a quality-assured academic education and constituting an attractive partner for the health care system, the industrial sector and leading research centers.
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology
The Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at Karolinska Institutet is a nationally leading academic research center of high international standard where science comes first and foremost. CMB researchers publish regularly in the best international science journals, a result of a long-term in-house culture that promotes real impact and key breakthroughs.
The goal of CMB is to carry out excellent biomedical science through which new approaches to fight human disease can be developed. CMB is a nationally leading academic research center of high international standard where science comes first and foremost. CMB researchers publish regularly in the best international science journals, a result of a long-term in-house culture that promotes real impact and key breakthroughs. CMB has a dynamic and cosmopolitan milieu of researchers originating from all over the world and that pursue active collaborations with researcher at fellow departments at Karolinska Institutet and at the Karolinska University Hospital, as well as with researchers at most leading research centers around the globe. Also, CMB strives to provide advanced scientific training to students with a focus on intense knowledge.
CMB is situated on the preclinical campus of Karolinska Institutet, near the main entrance to the KI-campus from Solnavägen, adjacent to the Nobel Forum and the Central Administration Building.
Department of Clinical Neuroscience (CNS)
At the Department of Clinical Neuroscience (CNS), we conduct research and teaching regarding the function of the brain - from a molecular level to the effect on society.
The Department of clinical neuroscience is one of the departments of KI with the heaviest impact on education with about 450 full year admissions within the education programs.
The head and the brain is a mutual focus for our research and consequently our education is mainly focused on these areas.
Within the department we have four of the education programs of KI, Optician program, Psychology program, Psychotherapy program and the Master program in Insurance medicine. Besides that we are also part of the education of most of the programs of KI.
We are also conducting several separate courses at a undergraduate as well as at an advanced level together with commissioned educations.
Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset
The Department of Clinical Science and Education (KI SÖS) is located at Södersjukhuset, Stockholm. The department has approximately 50 employees, whereof 7 professors, 80 PhD student and 140 researchers affiliated with the department.
The research at the department is focused on widespread diseases such as diabetes, stroke, allergy, tuberculosis and HIV. Our research also covers the area of emergency care, including trauma.
Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology is the the interface to academic health care. A close partnership between academia and healthcare enables fostering the next generation of professionals in health care and research. The department of clinical science intervention and technology is focused on undergraduate-, and graduate education as well as research. There are 13 units and one section at the department. Each head of division is responsible for undergraduate- and graduate education as well as research. Undergraduate education includes training of audiologists, physicians, speech pathologists and radiographers.
Karolinska Institutet (KI) mission is to improve human health through research and education. Fundamental values as well as an ethical and humanistic approach are core components.
Our values are based on outstanding academic activity where the common goal for both research, training and development is improved health. All activities must be based on the fundamental principles of democracy, social responsibility, ethics, transparency and human equality. All activities should have a patient perspective and meet the requirements of social, ethical and economic sustainability in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki.
Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital
The Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital conducts an extensive clinical research in several areas. The department also has extensive commissioned research. Every year, about 400 first level students conduct their medical education at the department.
The department conducts an extensive clinical research in several areas. The department has about 70 registered doctoral students and approximately 5-10 of them graduate every year.
Researchers at the department publish approximately 100 publications in international scientific journals every year. The department also has extensive commissioned research.
Every year, about 400 first level students conduct their medical education at the department.
Department of Dental Medicine (Dentmed)
The Department of Dental Medicine (Dentmed) conducts research and offers education at first and third level in dentistry, dental hygiene and dental technology. In addition, the department offers a student clinic open to the public where students practice supervised by experienced instructors.
The Department of Dental Medicine conducts broad ranging research in the field of oral health with the objective of contributing to the improvement of human oral health and preventing and treating oral disease.
The KI Huddinge Campus offers excellent opportunities for conducting odontological research of high international class. The laboratories are well designed and contain high quality equipment. Its proximity to Novum, the Centre for Biosciences, Karolinska University Hospital in Huddinge, and Södertörn University College helps to create a unique, creative and dynamic environment.
The Department of Dental Medicine conducts education at first (Bachelor's) and third (Doctoral) level. We currently have some 500 first-level students and 40 doctoral students.
Department of Laboratory Medicine
The research conducted at the Department of Laboratory Medicine is of immediate significance to human health. An important part of the department's work is to contribute the specialised skills needed for the training of future healthcare personnel.
Our core activities are research and education. The subject area of Laboratory Medicine brings together basic scientific research, clinical research and healthcare. As a result, the Department holds a strategic position with good conditions for translational research, thanks to its strong basic scientific capability and span, high technical content and access to clinical problems and clinical materials. The role of the Department is to transfer medical knowledge and improve it within healthcare, in collaboration with academia, healthcare services and industry actors.
Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics
LIME works within several of the strategic areas important to fulfilling the motto of Karolinska Institutet: To improve human health.
We focus on research, development and education in Medical Education, Medical Ethics, Medical Informatics, Medical Management, Medical Statistics and suicide prevention.
Please visit our Centres and Units for more information.
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
The Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics consists of 11 research divisions which are involved in teaching and research within the fields of protein chemistry, redox biochemistry, metabolism, lipid research, inflammation research, structural biochemistry, molecular biochemistry, tissue biology, and developmental biology.
The Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB) conducts research in basic science, particularly focusing on discovering the mechanisms that cause diseases. Many of the diseases studied are common diseases and some are also linked to poverty.
Presently, MBB consists of 11 research divisions which are involved in teaching and research within the fields of protein chemistry, redox biochemistry, metabolism, lipid research, inflammation research, structural biochemistry, molecular biochemistry, tissue biology, and developmental biology.
Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
At the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics we focus on research and teaching within the fields of epidemiology and biostatistics. The department is also host to KI Biobank and the Swedish Twin Registry. Our research aims to increase knowledge about the causes of disease and spread towards clinical and genetic research as well as biostatistical methodology.
At our department researchers and doctoral students work together with statisticians, programmers, data collectors, database administrators and administrative staff to publish about 300 scientific papers and ten theses annually. We give courses at both under- and postgraduate levels and are responsible for education within the biomedicine, psychology and medical program.
Department of Medicine, Huddinge
The department of Medicine, Huddinge conducts graduate and post-graduate education, as well as research, within a wide range of the medical field, covering all internal medicine specialties, infectious diseases and dermatology.
The department consists of seven units with a total of nearly 70 research groups, including three research centres. Our ambition is to be the leading department for medical research and education.We also give several courses within the Study Programme in Medicine and have a strong tradition of pedagogical development.
Department of Medicine, Solna
The Department of medicine, Solna is one of the largest departments at Karolinska Institutet. The core activities of the Department of Medicine are clinical and undergraduate education for medical as well as biomedical students, post-graduate education including at present 170 registered PhD students, and research in different areas of biomedicine.
The Department of Medicine consists of 44 research groups belonging to 14 different research units, as listed to the left on this page, representing a broad variety of medical entities. The research groups are established at the Karolinska University Hospital campus in Solna, in association with their respective clinics, as well as localized within the Center for Molecular Medicine (CMM).
One strength of the Department is the closeness to patients, with the possibility to obtain clinical samples and to relate these to clinical features of the patients, thus allowing studies in an integrated basic and clinical scientific environment.
There are approximately 440 employees and 330 associated at the Department of Medicine. In 2015, the Department's turnover was around 450 million Swedish kronor, where 25% constituted governmental funding. The organization is centered around the research groups, where the group research leaders assume financial responsibility for their own groups and hence have a large degree of independence.
As an integrated part of the Karolinska University Hospital in Solna, the Department of Medicine is influenced by the ongoing re-organization of the Hospital. It is the overall aim of the Head of the Department to by large maintain the present form of the Department, but also to keep a flexible profile and meet new demands from the Karolinska Institutet and from the new Karolinska University Hospital.
Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology
Research at the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC) focuses on immunology, infection biology and cell and tumor biology.
The fight against infections and cancer worldwide are the major goals of the research at MTC. The merge of infection biology, immunology and tumor biology provides an unique platform where fruitful interactions and collaborations are developed. Several core facilities including the Karolinska Institutet Visualization Faciity (KIVIF) and the FACS Facility provide an excellent infrastructure. MTC has an exceptional diversity of researchers from all over the globe enriching each others scientific and social life. MTC's famous daily seminars and numerous international and national collaborations, including clinical partners, makes it a perfect place for transfering knowledge and creativity.
Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery
The Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery (MMK) carries out both preclinical and clinical research within numerous fields. Linked to the department are approximately 450 researchers, postgraduate students, teachers and technical & administrative staff.
We conduct both pre-clinical and clinical research at the Department. The research is carried out at 25 research groups and the majority of the research groups operates at the Karolinska University Hospital.
Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
NVS conducts experimental, clinical, health care science and epidemiological research with particular focus on aging and diseases in the elderly. Our research within the area of dementia is at the international forefront. Successful research is also conducted in various other areas including stroke, cancer and rheumatology. The research is translational, ranging from genes to prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and care. The greater part of our research is thus carried out in close collaboration with the health care sector and we strive to quickly implement it into clinical practice.
The Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS), one of the largest departments at Karolinska Institutet (KI), consists of eleven divisions with shared departmental management. Some divisions have a strong focus on experimental laboratory research and doctoral education, while others have a more clinical focus with a significant proportion of educational activities. In 2013, more than 450 people were employed at NVS and we had a turnover of SEK 370 million. About 45 % of our funding comes directly from the state and more than 30 % comes from other external funding for research and education. Other revenues are generated within KI by sources including freestanding courses and fees for executive and professional education.
Department of Neuroscience
The Department of Neuroscience offers an international environment that brings together faculty with different expertise to study the development and function of the nervous system in health and disease.
Our aims include the understanding of the complexity of neural circuits, how they are shaped and reshaped during development through adulthood to process sensory information, drive behavior and give rise to the functions of the mind. Our research has a direct bearing on neurological and psychiatric diseases including neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders.
The research activity at the Department falls mostly within four major research areas: Cognitive neuroscience, Genetic and molecular basis of nervous system disorders, Development, biology and pathology of neural cells and Neural networks and behavior. In addition, we have active research within Medical nanoscience that opens up new applications in the field of neuroscience.
Our strategic objectives are:
- to provide appropriate structures and infrastructures for outstanding neuroscience research;
- to promote young neuroscientists;
- to create collaborative synergies.
Department of Oncology-Pathology
At the Department of Oncology-Pathology, basic, translational and clinical research and educational activities related to cancer is carried out.
Approximately 300 people from over 40 nations are currently working at the department. We have 37 research groups working mainly within research related to cancer and we have around 120 PhD students. The department annually receives around 110 million SEK in governmental and non-governmental funding.
The Department of Oncology-Pathology is responsible for undergraduate courses in Pathology, Oncology and Forensic Medicine for medical students, as well as Tumor biology courses for biomedicine students and Pathology courses for opticians.
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology
At the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology we are committed to teaching and conducting internationally acclaimed, high-quality research in physiology, pharmacology, anesthesiology and intensive care. We have around 400 employees, 30 research groups, and 90 doctoral students.
When you choose to become a researcher or take a doctorate at the department, you will be met by a long-standing academic tradition combined with the technology and development opportunities of tomorrow. Here you will find:
- An effective integration of clinical and pre-clinical research.
- Several highly internationally successful research teams.
- Efficient administrative support for researchers, teachers and students.
Department of Public Health Sciences
At the Department of Public Health Sciences we conduct research and provide education in public health science. The department's ten research groups conduct research in global health, public health epidemiology and social medicine.
Department of Women's and Children's Health
The research at the Department of Women's and Children's Health deals with both basic and clinical science in women's and children's health. The research takes place in 9 units with separate scientific profiles. The units vary in size and have several research groups. We are also engaged in education on both undergraduate (MD programme), specialist (paediatric nurses, midwives, physicians), and postgraduate levels.
Institute of Environmental Medicine
The Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM), a department at Karolinska Institutet, is an interdisciplinary research organisation with internationally competitive research in the fields of epidemiology, toxicology, physiology and environmental medicine.
The Institute of Environmental Medicine (IMM) is a research department at Karolinska Institutet, with activities within the broad field of environmental medicine - how risk factors in the environment can affect health. Focus is on chemical, physical and life style factors.
Research at IMM is carried out in four major areas:
- epidemiology
- toxicology
- physiology
- environmental and occupational medicine.
IMM also provides authorities in Sweden and EC as well as international organizations like The World Health Organization (WHO) with expertise, support and advice regarding environmental health risk assessments.
IMM has about 350 employees.
Karolinska Institute (KI) is one of the world's leading medical universities, located in Stockholm, Sweden. It was founded in 1810 by King Karl XIII as an academy for the training of army surgeons. The establishment of the institute was driven by the need for well-trained medical professionals in Sweden, particularly in the wake of the Finnish War (1808–1809), which had highlighted deficiencies in military healthcare.
Initially, Karolinska Institute focused on educating military surgeons, but over time, it expanded its scope to include general medical education and research. In 1861, KI was granted the right to confer medical degrees, further solidifying its role as a leading medical institution in Sweden. The university has since played a crucial role in advancing medical science and healthcare.
One of the most notable aspects of Karolinska Institute is its connection to the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Since 1901, the Nobel Assembly at KI has been responsible for selecting the laureates for this prestigious award. This has significantly contributed to the university’s international reputation and has attracted top researchers and students from around the world.
Throughout its history, Karolinska Institute has been at the forefront of medical research and innovation. It has contributed to numerous groundbreaking discoveries, including the pacemaker, the gamma knife, and various advancements in stem cell research. The university collaborates with hospitals, research institutions, and industry partners to translate scientific discoveries into clinical applications.
Today, Karolinska Institute offers a wide range of medical and health-related programs at undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels. It is home to a diverse student body and faculty, with a strong emphasis on interdisciplinary research and global collaboration. The university continues to be a leader in medical education and research, striving to improve human health through scientific excellence.
With its long history of medical advancements and its role in awarding the Nobel Prize, Karolinska Institute remains one of the most prestigious medical universities in the world. Its commitment to innovation and excellence ensures that it will continue to shape the future of medicine for years to come.
Karolinska Institute (KI) is one of the world's leading medical universities, located in Sweden. Admission requirements and the application process vary depending on the level of study—bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral programs. Below is an overview of the general requirements and procedures for prospective students.
Bachelor’s Programs
Karolinska Institute offers a limited number of undergraduate programs taught in Swedish. To be eligible, applicants must meet the general entry requirements for higher education in Sweden, including a high school diploma equivalent to the Swedish upper secondary school. Additionally, proficiency in Swedish and English is required. Applicants may need to demonstrate their language skills through standardized tests such as TISUS (for Swedish) and IELTS or TOEFL (for English).
Master’s Programs
For international students, Karolinska Institute offers several master’s programs taught in English. The general admission requirements include:
- A bachelor’s degree from an internationally recognized university, typically in a relevant field such as medicine, biomedicine, or life sciences.
- English language proficiency, demonstrated through tests like IELTS (minimum 6.5 overall, with no section below 5.5) or TOEFL (minimum 90 iBT).
- Some programs may have additional specific requirements, such as prerequisite courses or relevant work experience.
Application Process
Applications for both bachelor’s and master’s programs are submitted through University Admissions in Sweden ( The application process generally includes:
- Online Application – Applicants must create an account and submit their application through the centralized system.
- Submission of Documents – Required documents typically include academic transcripts, proof of English proficiency, a statement of purpose, and letters of recommendation.
- Application Fee – Non-EU/EEA students must pay an application fee.
- Selection Process – Admission is competitive, and selection is based on academic qualifications, motivation, and sometimes interviews or additional tests.
Doctoral (PhD) Programs
PhD positions at Karolinska Institute are research-based and require applicants to have a relevant master’s degree. Unlike bachelor’s and master’s programs, PhD positions are usually advertised as job openings, and applicants must apply for specific research projects. The selection process includes:
- A strong academic background in a relevant field.
- Research experience and a well-defined research interest.
- A motivation letter and references from academic supervisors.
- In some cases, an interview with the research group.
Tuition Fees and Scholarships
- EU/EEA students: No tuition fees.
- Non-EU/EEA students: Tuition fees apply, varying by program.
- Scholarships: Karolinska Institute offers scholarships for outstanding non-EU/EEA students, covering tuition fees. Other funding options include Swedish Institute Scholarships.
The application period for international students usually opens in October and closes in mid-January for programs starting in the following autumn. It is important to check specific deadlines on the official website.
For more details, visit the official Karolinska Institute website:
Karolinska Institute (KI) is one of the world's leading medical universities, located in Sweden. It is accredited by the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ), which ensures that the university meets national and international standards for higher education. As a public university, Karolinska Institute operates under the regulations set by the Swedish government and follows the guidelines of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
Karolinska Institute is also a member of several international organizations that promote high-quality education and research in medicine and health sciences. The university adheres to the Bologna Process, which standardizes higher education across Europe, ensuring that its degrees are recognized internationally. This means that students graduating from KI can pursue further education or professional careers in various countries without difficulties in degree recognition.
In addition to national accreditation, Karolinska Institute collaborates with numerous international institutions and organizations, further strengthening its academic reputation. The university is known for its rigorous research standards and is responsible for selecting the Nobel Prize laureates in Physiology or Medicine. This role highlights its global influence and commitment to excellence in medical education and research.
Karolinska Institute offers a range of undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs, all of which are subject to strict quality control measures. The Swedish Higher Education Authority regularly evaluates the university’s programs to ensure they meet the highest academic and professional standards. Furthermore, KI's research activities are assessed by international experts to maintain its position as a leading medical research institution.
The university's accreditation and reputation make it a highly attractive destination for students and researchers from around the world. With strong ties to the healthcare industry and a focus on innovation, Karolinska Institute continues to contribute significantly to advancements in medicine and healthcare.
Student life at Karolinska Institute (KI) in Sweden offers a unique and enriching experience for both local and international students. As one of the world's leading medical universities, KI provides a stimulating academic environment, modern facilities, and numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth.
The university has a vibrant student community, with various student organizations and associations that cater to different interests. Medicinska Föreningen (MF) and Odontologiska Föreningen (OF) are the two main student unions at KI, organizing social events, academic support, and extracurricular activities. These unions play a crucial role in student life, offering networking opportunities, career support, and recreational events such as parties, sports activities, and cultural gatherings.
KI students also benefit from excellent study facilities, including well-equipped libraries, research labs, and study spaces. The university encourages collaboration and innovation, providing students with access to cutting-edge research and healthcare environments. Additionally, KI has strong connections with hospitals and medical institutions, allowing students to gain practical experience during their studies.
Living in Stockholm, where KI is located, adds to the student experience. The city offers a high quality of life, with beautiful nature, cultural attractions, and a well-developed public transportation system. Students can explore museums, parks, and historical sites, as well as enjoy the vibrant nightlife and diverse culinary scene.
Accommodation options for students include university housing, private rentals, and shared apartments. KI provides housing support for international students, helping them find suitable living arrangements. The cost of living in Stockholm can be high, but students can apply for scholarships and financial aid to help manage expenses.
Health and well-being are also prioritized at KI. The university offers student health services, including counseling and medical support. Physical activities are encouraged, with access to gyms, sports clubs, and outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling.
Overall, student life at Karolinska Institute is dynamic and fulfilling, combining academic excellence with a supportive and engaging community. Whether through research, social events, or exploring Stockholm, students at KI have numerous opportunities to grow both personally and professionally.
Karolinska Institute offers a wide range of services and facilities to support students in their academic and personal lives. The university provides modern libraries with extensive digital and physical resources, study spaces, and access to research databases. Students can also benefit from IT support, ensuring they have the necessary technological assistance for their studies.
The university offers student housing options, helping international and domestic students find suitable accommodation. Additionally, there are dining facilities, including cafeterias and restaurants, where students can enjoy meals and socialize.
For health and well-being, Karolinska Institute provides student health services, including counseling and psychological support. There are also sports facilities and fitness centers, encouraging students to maintain an active lifestyle.
Career services are available to help students with job placements, internships, and career counseling. The university also supports student organizations and extracurricular activities, allowing students to engage in social, cultural, and academic events.
Furthermore, international students receive dedicated support, including orientation programs and language courses. The university also offers research facilities and laboratories for students involved in scientific studies.
Overall, Karolinska Institute ensures that students have access to essential services and facilities that enhance their academic experience and personal development.
Karolinska Institute (KI) is one of the world's leading medical universities, renowned for its cutting-edge research and high-quality education in medicine and health sciences. Located in Sweden, KI is globally recognized for its strong emphasis on innovation, scientific advancements, and collaboration with healthcare institutions.
One of the key reasons to choose Karolinska Institute is its strong research environment. KI is responsible for selecting the Nobel Prize laureates in Physiology or Medicine, which highlights its significant role in global medical research. The university consistently ranks among the top medical institutions worldwide, attracting students and researchers from all over the world.
Another advantage of studying at KI is its close connection to the healthcare system. The university collaborates with leading hospitals and research centers, providing students with hands-on experience and access to state-of-the-art medical facilities. This ensures that students receive practical training alongside theoretical knowledge, preparing them for successful careers in medicine and healthcare.
Karolinska Institute also offers a wide range of international programs taught in English, making it an attractive choice for students from different countries. The university promotes a multicultural environment, encouraging collaboration and knowledge exchange among students and faculty members.
Additionally, KI is located in Stockholm, a city known for its high quality of life, safety, and vibrant cultural scene. Students benefit from a dynamic academic environment while enjoying the advantages of living in one of Europe's most innovative and sustainable cities.
Overall, Karolinska Institute stands out for its excellence in medical education, groundbreaking research, and strong connections to the healthcare industry. It provides students with a unique opportunity to study at a prestigious institution that plays a crucial role in shaping the future of medicine and healthcare.