Bassoon specialising in Chamber music

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: Italian
Local:$ 1.61 k / Year(s) Foreign:$ 1.61 k / Year(s)  
StudyQA ranking:5462 Duration:1 year

Bassoon Specialising in Chamber Music Programme

If you are a prospective student looking to specialise in bassoon and chamber music, the Conservatory of Music Guiseppe Martucci is the perfect place for you. Our programme is designed to provide you with a comprehensive education in bassoon performance and chamber music, preparing you for a successful career in the music industry.

Our faculty members are highly experienced and dedicated professionals who are committed to helping you achieve your goals. They will work closely with you to develop your technical skills, musicality, and artistry, while also providing you with opportunities to perform in a variety of settings.

In addition to your bassoon studies, you will also have the opportunity to participate in chamber music ensembles, where you will learn to collaborate with other musicians and develop your ensemble skills. Our programme also includes courses in music theory, history, and analysis, providing you with a well-rounded education in music.

At the Conservatory of Music Guiseppe Martucci, we are committed to providing our students with a supportive and nurturing environment that fosters creativity, innovation, and excellence. We believe that our Bassoon Specialising in Chamber Music Programme will provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed in the music industry, and we look forward to welcoming you to our community.

Bassoon Specialising in Chamber Music Programme

If you are a prospective student interested in pursuing a career in music, the Conservatory of Music Guiseppe Martucci offers a unique programme for bassoon players specialising in chamber music.

Our programme is designed to provide students with a comprehensive education in bassoon performance, with a focus on chamber music. You will have the opportunity to work closely with our experienced faculty members, who are all accomplished musicians and educators in their own right.

Throughout the programme, you will study a range of topics, including:

  • Technique and tone production
  • Repertoire for bassoon in chamber music settings
  • Collaboration and ensemble playing
  • Performance practice and interpretation

In addition to your coursework, you will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of performance opportunities, including chamber music concerts, masterclasses, and festivals. These experiences will help you develop your skills as a performer and prepare you for a successful career in music.

If you are passionate about bassoon and chamber music, we encourage you to apply to our programme. Our faculty members are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals and become the best musician you can be.

Bassoon Specialising in Chamber Music Programme

The Conservatory of Music Guiseppe Martucci offers a unique opportunity for prospective students interested in specialising in bassoon and chamber music. Our programme is designed to provide students with a comprehensive education in both bassoon performance and chamber music, preparing them for successful careers in the music industry.


To be considered for admission into the Bassoon Specialising in Chamber Music Programme, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Completion of a high school diploma or equivalent
  • Demonstrated proficiency in bassoon performance
  • Ability to read music notation
  • Basic knowledge of music theory and history
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills

In addition to these requirements, applicants will be required to audition for the programme. The audition will consist of a performance of two contrasting pieces on the bassoon, as well as a sight-reading exercise.

If you are interested in applying for the Bassoon Specialising in Chamber Music Programme at the Conservatory of Music Guiseppe Martucci, please visit our admissions page for more information on how to apply.

Financing Your Studies in the Bassoon Specialising in Chamber Music Programme

At the Conservatory of Music Guiseppe Martucci, we understand that financing your studies can be a challenge. That's why we offer a range of options to help you achieve your dreams of becoming a professional bassoonist specialising in chamber music.

Scholarships and Grants

We offer a variety of scholarships and grants to help offset the cost of tuition and living expenses. These include:

  • Merit-based scholarships
  • Need-based scholarships
  • Performance-based scholarships
  • Research grants

To be considered for these opportunities, you must submit a complete application and meet the eligibility requirements. Our admissions team can provide more information on the application process and deadlines.

Work-Study Programs

We also offer work-study programs that allow you to earn money while gaining valuable experience in your field. These programs may include teaching assistantships, research assistantships, or administrative positions within the conservatory.

Our goal is to help you achieve your dreams without sacrificing your financial stability. We encourage you to explore all of the financing options available to you and to reach out to our admissions team with any questions or concerns.

Benefits of the Bassoon Specialising in Chamber Music Programme at Conservatory of Music Guiseppe Martucci

If you are a prospective student interested in pursuing a career in music, the Bassoon Specialising in Chamber Music Programme at Conservatory of Music Guiseppe Martucci is an excellent choice. Here are some of the benefits of this programme:

  • Expert instruction: Our faculty members are highly experienced and accomplished musicians who will provide you with expert instruction in bassoon and chamber music.
  • Small class sizes: Our programme is designed to provide individual attention to each student, with small class sizes that allow for personalised instruction and feedback.
  • Performance opportunities: As a student in our programme, you will have numerous opportunities to perform in chamber music ensembles, recitals, and concerts, both on and off campus.
  • Networking: Our programme provides you with the opportunity to network with other musicians and professionals in the music industry, which can be invaluable for your future career.
  • Access to resources: As a student at Conservatory of Music Guiseppe Martucci, you will have access to a wide range of resources, including practice rooms, recording studios, and a vast music library.

Overall, the Bassoon Specialising in Chamber Music Programme at Conservatory of Music Guiseppe Martucci is an excellent choice for any student who is passionate about music and wants to pursue a career in this field. Apply now to join our programme and take the first step towards a successful career in music!

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