Pleasenote that entry to this app in Trimester 2 (prior to 20 17 ) or Trimester 2 (from 20 17 ) is just available to students admitted with advanced status (see entry requirements for additional information).This program provides students with advanced level study across the width of specialisations in Civil Engineering.It is designed to extend and deepen the information and techniques gained from an undergraduate degree in civil engineering. It is ideal for professional civil engineers who aspire to develop their designing skills and advance their own skills to successfully simplify and analyse structural problems and manage projects across a vast array of realworld civil engineering applications. The program provides a pathway into your research higher degree.
Griffith University grants credit and recognition of prior learning that might relate with prior formal education or earlier casual and non-formal learning. To learn more, please see the following internet site: Charge transferGriffith's advanced Credit Precedent Database lets you learn what credit decisions have been made in the past. All these precedents will provide you with a sense of what you can expect. Ngpc=5692&-SortField=Connected%20Institution%20Name&-noresultserror=error.html&-search View credit precedents for this app
Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering or higher