Photos of university / #northumbriauni
The effects of climate variability and climate change are affecting our own lives like never before. There's an urgent need to better understand, quantify, and adapt to climate-related risks. The Bachelor of National Science and Adaptation (BCSA) is really a science-based degree program with a focus on courses working with climate science, earth processes, climate impacts, climate/environmental risk management, and sustainability under existing and future climate conditions. Students will participate in contemporary and emerging issues in science from their first day in university, and this system culminates at the integration of the theory/science supporting climate variability and change, quantification/modelling of climate impacts, and management of both existing and future climate risks. Students will experience relevant field-based scenarios and connect with managers and policy makers in the industry, government and the not-for-profit sectors.
- Year 12
- Selection based on ATAR or equivalent