Electronics and Computer Engineering (ECE)

Study mode:On campus Study type:Full-time Languages: English
StudyQA ranking:5167 Duration:12 months

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The Electronics and Computer Engineering (ECE) Master's Program was designed for students with backgrounds in electronics engineering and computer sciences.

The experience of the past 2 decades have shown that complex systems from the small (smart cards, mobile phones) to the large (Internet, networked storage, server farms) can be only designed and developed by teams of electronics engineers and computer scientists, since they consist of hardware and software components that have to interact and cooperate with one another. Such systems are now the driving forces of our daily lives, from medical technology to Internet banking.

The aim of the ECE MS Program at Sehir is to provide our graduates the necessary and sufficient scientific and technical backgrounds, hardware and software design tools, and methodical approaches in hardware/software co-design. Our graduates will have in-depth knowledge and dexterity in design tools, and will be able to specialize not only in classical areas of electronics engineering and computer science, but also in mathematical, computational, physical, and life sciences.

The ECE Master's program can be completed in one-year (2 academic-year terms and one summer term), and all accepted students will be offered scholarships.

All courses are 3 credits in Electronics and Computer Engineering Masters Program.
ECE501 Analog Circuit Design
This course will teach design and analysis of analog circuits and layout design. In particular design concepts pertinent to real world applications such as communication systems will be covered to provide tools for students and practicing engineers who need to master the circuit design to succeed in today's industry. The course involves CAD activity and design projects will be assigned using design software.
Outline: The analysis and design of analog CMOS integrated circuits, high frequency amplifier design, VCO design, Gilbert cell, precision rectifiers, power detectors, low noise amplifiers, VCOs, PLL basics, fully differential op-amps, and power amplifier design. Noise in integrated circuits and recent technological developments and design paradigms
Textbooks: 1. Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, by Behzad Razavi, 2. Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits (4th Edition), by Paul R. Gray, Paul J. Hurst, Stephen H. Lewis, Robert G. Meyer

ECE502 RF Microelectronics
The course provides thorough introduction to the fundamental concepts of RF design, including nonlinearity, interference and noise. Modulation and detection theory; multiple access techniques, and circuits pertinent to current wireless networks. It includes case studies of transceiver architectures from leading manufacturers. The course also involves CAD activity.
Outline: Modulation and detection theory, multiple access techniques, current wireless standards: CDMA, TDMA, AMPS and GSM, Design of transceivers.
Textbooks: RF Microelectronics, by Behzad Razavi

ECE503 mm Wave IC Design
The course focuses on silicon based technologies and covers device modeling, circuit building blocks, phased array systems, and antennas pertinent to mm-Wave amplifiers, mixers, VCOs, power amplifiers, and beam forming arrays.
Outline: Silicon technologies for mm wave IC design, mm-Wave amplifier design, Mixers, Voltage controlled oscillators and beam forming arrays.
Prerequisites: ECE501, ECE502, or permission of the instructor
Textbook: mm-Wave Silicon Technology: 60 GHz and Beyond (Integrated Circuits and Systems, by Ali M. Niknejad, and Hossein Hashemi

ECE504 Advanced Communication Circuits
The course covers a brief review of analog and digital communication concepts, contemporary receiver transmitter architectures for modern wired and wireless communication systems, delay-locked loops (DLLs), fractional-N synthesizers, phase locked loops and clock recovery circuits. The course involves design and CAD activity.
Outline: Analog and digital communication concepts, block level design challenges and state-of-the art design methods such as direct conversion transmitters/receivers, direct sampling architectures, software defined radio, wideband circuit design techniques, and review of millimeter-wave CMOS design developments Design of delayed locked loops, phase locked loops, fractional N-synthesizers, clock generation, RF synthesis, simulation of phase noise and contemporary design subjects
Prerequisites: ECE501 and ECE502, or permission of the instructor.
Textbooks: 1. Digital Radio Systems on a Chip - A Systems Approach, by Charles Chien.
2. The Design and Implementation of Low Power CMOS Radio Receivers, by Derek Shaeffer and Thomas H. Lee.

ECE507 VLSI Design
This course provides an introduction to the design of digital ASICs and microprocessors. Students will be introduced to the various steps in design process including planning, design and verification.
Outline: 1) An overview of the digital design process 2) Verilog HDL 3) Functional verification 4) Synthesis and routing 5) Silicon manufacturing challenges and VLSI testing
Textbook: 1) Electronic Design Automation: Synthesis, Verification, and Test, Laung-Terng Wang, Yao-Wen Chang Tim Cheng, 2009.
2) Digital design, by Morris Mano.

ECE511 Probability and Stochastic Process
This course covers the introduction to probability and random processes relevant to electrical and electronics engineering applications. Topics include probability axioms, sigma algebras, random vectors, expectation, probability distributions and densities, Poisson and Wiener processes, stationary processes, autocorrelation, correlations and spectra, spectral density, effects of filtering, linear least-squares estimation, and convergence of random sequences.
Textbook: Probability, Random Processes, and Estimation Theory for Engineers, Henry Stark and John W. Woods, 2004.

ECE512 Information Theory
Our course will explore the basic concepts of Information theory for students planning to delve into the fields of communications, data compression, and statistical signal processing. It will cover the concepts of source, channel, rate of transmission of information. Entropy and mutual information. The noiseless coding theorem. Noisy channels; the coding theorem for finite state zero memory channels. Channel capacity. Error bounds. Parity check codes. Source encoding.
Prerequisites: ECE511, or permission of the instructor.
Textbook: Probability, Random Processes, and Estimation Theory for Engineers, Henry Stark and John W. Woods, 2004.

ECE513 Digital Communication SystemsThis is an advanced course that covers digital transmission of information across discrete and analog channels. It covers up to date subjects such as sampling; quantization; noiseless source codes for data compression: Huffman's algorithm and entropy; block and convolutional channel codes for error correction; channel capacity; digital modulation methods: PSK, MSK, FSK, QAM; matched filter receivers. Performance analysis: power, bandwidth, data rate, and error probability.
Prerequisites: ECE511, or permission of the instructor.
Textbook: J. G. Proakis, M. Salehi, Digital Communications, 2008.

ECE514 Data Compression and Modeling
This course covers the introduction to a variety of source coding techniques such as quantization, block quantization; and differential, predictive, transform and tree coding. Introduction to rate-distortion theory. Applications include speech and image coding.
Prerequisites: ECE511, or permission of the instructor.
Textbook: Introduction to Data Compression, K. Sayood, 2005.

ECE515 Linear Dynamical Systems
Course offers an introduction to applied linear algebra and linear dynamical systems with applications to circuits, signal processing, communications, control systems and autonomous dynamical systems.
Textbook: Course materials provided by the instructor.

ECE517 Numerical Methods in Engineering
Basic methods for obtaining numerical solutions with a digital computer will be discussed. Included are methods for the solution of algebraic and transcendental equations, simultaneous linear equations, ordinary and partial differential equations, and curve fitting techniques. The methods are compared with respect to computational efficiency and accuracy.
Textbook: Course materials provided by the instructor

ECE521 Robotics
This is a course on modeling, design, planning and control of robot systems. It surveys results from geometry, kinematics, statics, dynamics and control theory.
Textbook: Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and control, John J. Craig, 2005

ECE522 Motion Planning
This course provide coherent framework of motion planning for robots and autonomous vehicles and it covers subjects pertinent to automatic motion planning such as path planning, space configuration, sampling strategies, target detection and tracking and collision detection.
Textbook: Course materials provided by the instructor.

ECE523 Computer Vision
The goal of computer vision is to compute properties of the three-dimensional world from digital images. Problems in this field include identifying the 3D shape of an environment, determining how things are moving, and recognizing familiar people and objects, all through analysis of images and video. This course provides an introduction to computer vision, including such topics as feature detection, image segmentation, motion estimation, image mosaics, 3D shape reconstruction, and object recognition.
Textbook: Digital Image Processing, Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E. Woods, 2007

ECE 524 Machine Learning
In this course, students learn advanced programming techniques for representing and reasoning about complex objects and various applications of such techniques, including expert systems, natural language processors, image understanding systems and machine learning.

ECE 525 Advanced Topics in Computer Vision
This class will focus on advanced topics in computer vision: image sequence analysis, spatio-temporal filtering, camera calibration and hand-eye coordination, robot navigation, shape representation, physically-based modeling, regularization theory, multi-sensory fusion, biological models, expert vision systems, and other topics selected from recent research papers.
ECE526 Computational Biology
This course focuses on algorithms derived from computer science such as robotics, computational geometry to study structure and motion of molecules.
Textbook: Course materials provided by the instructor.

ECE527 Bioinformatics
This course is an algorithmic principles driving in bioinformatics. It emphasizes the relatively few design techniques used in diverse range of practical problems in biology such as DNA mapping, genome rearrangements, statistical methods for gene prediction and molecular evolution.
Textbook: An introduction to Bioinformatics, Jones and Pevzner, 2005.

ECE 528 Probabilistic Graphical Models
This class covers both the theoretical underpinnings of the PGM framework and practical skills needed to apply these techniques to new problems. In particular this class will teach the basics of the Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM) representation and how to construct them, using both human knowledge and machine learning techniques; algorithms for using a PGM to reach conclusions about the world from limited and noisy evidence, and for making good decisions under uncertainty. This class is based on a class offered at Stanford University.

ECE531 Advanced Electromagnetics
Detailed discussion of electromagnetic theory and wave analysis in various media. It also includes the theory of transmission lines and basics of microwave circuits
Outline: Time varying and time harmonic electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic theorems: Duality, uniqueness, image and reciprocity. Wave equations and solutions in different media. Wave propagations in isotropic and un isotropic media. Theory of reflection and transmission from a boundary. Construction of vector potentials and solutions for a scattering media. Theory of waveguides and transmission lines.
Textbook: Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, Constantine Balanis, Wiley 1989.

ECE536 Fiber Optic Communications
Overview of optical communication networks and building blocks of optical communication systems.
Outline: 1) Long haul communications architectures, review of SONET architecture, Wave theory of light and light confinement in dielectric waveguides, Concept of modes. Theory of dispersion and limits of dispersion in optical communication systems. Nonlinearity in optical fibers. Optical transmitters and receivers. Transceiver design. Optical modulations.
Textbooks: 1) Fiber Optic Communication Systems, Govind Agrawal, Wiley, 2002. 2) Photonics, Amnon Yariv and Pochi Yeh, Oxford, 2007.

ECE537 Optoelectronic Devices and Lasers
Course covers the fundamental theory of semiconductor optoelectronic materials and lasers.
Outline: 1) Concept of joint density of states. 2) Spontaneous and stimulated emission in semiconductors and optical absorption. 3) Concept of optical detection and solar cells. 5) Basic theory of lasers and semiconductor optical amplifiers. 6) Direct modulation. 7) Limiting factors in laser design.
Textbook: Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, Pallab Bhattacharya, Prentice Hall, 1996

ECE538 Optical Waves and Optical Imaging
Course covers the wave theory in optics and its application to imaging and spectroscopy.
Outline: 1) Theory of optical radiation. 2) Theory of reflection refraction and diffraction. 3) Concept of interference. 4) Properties of coherent and incoherent light. 5) Geometric imaging: optical elements and limits of resolution. 6) Wave imaging and Fourier analysis. 7) Detection for optical imaging. 8) Special applications: Spectroscopy and fluorescence imaging with applications to biology.
Prerequisites: ECE531
Textbook: Optical Imaging and Spectroscopy, David J. Brady, Wiley, 2009

ECE541 Nano and Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
This course covers the design and operational principles of micro and nano scale mechanical devices and systems.
Outline: 1) Introduction to nano- and micro technology. 2) Scaling laws and nanoscale physics. 3) Materials and material processing 4) Micro/nano scale mechanics 5) Devices for photonics, electronics, with an emphasis on differences of behavior at the nanoscale and real-world examples.
Textbook: Foundations of MEMS by Chang Liu, Prentice Hall 2005.

ECE542 Advanced MOSFET Theory
This course offers through understanding of MOSFET operation and physical limits of future technology.
Outline: Operation and modeling of MOS transistors. MOS two- and three-terminal structures. The MOS transistor as a four-terminal device; general charge-sheet modeling; strong, moderate, and weak inversion models; short-and-narrow-channel effects; ion-implanted devices; scaling considerations in VLSI; charge modeling; large-signal transient and small-signal modeling for quasistatic and non quasistatic operation. Advanced subjects on nano structures.
Textbook: 1) MOS Transistor, Yannis Tsividis. 2) Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Simon M. Sze and Kwok K. Ng, 2006.

ECE551 Design and Manufacturing in Electrical Engineering
This course teaches contemporary issues in circuit design, optical systems, microwave systems, communications and biotechnology.
Outline: Design consideration in electronic devices: consumer electronics, high frequency components, optoelectronic materials. Density of integration, review of manufacturing steps. Review of testing and device characterization process. Prototype development.
Textbook: Lecture notes and seminar viewgraphs

ECE552 Energy and Energy Efficiency
This course introduces the methods and issues related to energy production, distribution and its efficient use.
Outline: Review of energy production: solar, wind, nuclear, thermal and hydro. Future of various technologies: fossil fuel vs. renewable energy. Efficiency in energy production and distribution. Review of green energy: Technology, efficiency and cost.
Textbook: Renewable energy, Godfrey Boyle, Oxford University Press, 2004

ECE 561 Approximation Algorithms
This is a core theory course. We will discuss a wide array of fundamental topics that include Epsilon approximations, PTAS and FPTAS; techniques for the design of approximation algrorithms; P, NP, NP-complete problems, polynomial transformations, Turing reductions, strong NP-completeness, NP-hardness and inapproximability results; topics in algorithms include: amortized analysis, advanced graph algorithms and data structures.

ECE 562 Network Modeling
Prerequisites: No strict prerequisite. Some statistical and stochastic processes background may be useful. Necessary fundamentals will be reviewed in the class.
A course on network modeling and analysis of complex systems from natural ones such as biological networks, food webs etc. to man-made networks such as the Internet, communication networks, peer-to-peer networks, sensor networks, networks-on-a chip, power grid, etc. and social networks such as acquaintance networks, organizational networks, online communities etc. In this course the main topic is using the graph-theoretical approaches.

ECE 563 Combinatorial Algorithms
Many large-scale scientific discoveries are enabled by combinatorial algorithms. The course focuses on the recent trends on the boundary of combinatorial algorithms and scientific computing. Methods for solving sparse linear systems (direct and iterative), graph models for matrix factorizations, linear algebraic formulations of graph algorithms, graph/hypergraph partitioning, matching, and graph coloring for finite differences.

ECE 564 Computational Geometry
The purpose of this course is to present and discuss algorithms and lower bound techniques in computational geometry; decision tree models of computation; geometric searching; point location and range search; convex hull and maxima of a point set; proximity algorithms; geometric intersections.

ECE 565 Theory of Computation and Complexity
Advanced subjects in computation theory.

ECE 570 Software Engineering
In this course, students learn the principles of software engineering disciplines emphasizing requirements analysis, specification design, coding, testing and correctness proofs, maintenance, and management. Students use a number of software engineering tools.

ECE 571 Data Engineering
This course covers state-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice activities in the knowledge and data engineering area. We are interested in well-defined theoretical results and empirical studies that have potential impact on the acquisition, management, storage, and graceful degeneration of knowledge and data, as well as in provision of knowledge and data services. Specific topics include, but are not limited to: a) artificial intelligence techniques, including speech, voice, graphics, images, and documents; b) knowledge and data engineering tools and techniques; c) parallel and distributed processing; d) real-time distributed; e) system architectures, integration, and modeling; f) database design, modeling and management; g) query design and implementation languages; h) distributed database control; j) algorithms for data and knowledge management; k) performance evaluation of algorithms and systems; l) data communications aspects; m) system applications and experience; n) knowledge-based and expert systems.
1 Mining the Social Web, Analyzing Data from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Other Social Media Sites By Matthew Russell. O'Reilly Press (2011).
(2) Introduction to Information Retrieval by Manning, Raghavan, Schütze. Cambridge University Press (2008).

ECE 572 Advanced Topics in Database Systems
In this course, we cover data models, semantics, data integrity, database design, serializability theory, concurrency control, recovery, distributed databases.

ECE 573 Advanced Topics in Distributed Systems
In this course, we cover the fundamental problems in distributed systems and the various tools used to solve them. Of primary interest is the issue of fault-tolerance. Topics include event ordering, clocks, global states, agreement, fault-tolerance, and peer-to-peer systems.

ECE 574 Advanced Topics in Computer Architecture
In this graduate course, students learn the advanced instruction set architectures, pipelining, dynamic scheduling, branch prediction, superscalar issue, out-of-order execution, memory-hierarchy design, advanced cache architectures and prefetching. As part of the class, several real designs are dissected and simulators are developed for performing quantitative evaluations of design decisions

ECE 575 Social Software
Many of the most successful web applications are social, including personalized services and social networks. In this course, students will learn the fundamental interfaces, systems, and algorithmic concepts in designing social software.

ECE 576 Scalable Internet Services
In this course, students learn about all the technologies that go into a scalable internet service, specifically into dynamic web sites. A very hands-on, learn-by-doing course with a significant project component. Building a transactional dynamic web site in Ruby on Rails and running on Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). Deployment on multiple servers on EC2 and using httperf to demonstrate that the site scales by running a front-end load balancer server, a database server, a memcached server, and up to 10 application servers.

ECE 577 Cloud Computing
Students gain practical knowledge in growing technology industry. Cloud computing refers to a network that distributes processing power, applications and large systems among many computers. The Cloud Computing course will provide students with current industry techniques and practices, outline future challenges and survey applications deployed by Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Through the exploration of these services, participants will build an understanding of cloud computing models, techniques and architectures, and its application by providers in delivering common business functions such as data storage, computing resources and messaging online.

ECE 580 Networks
Over the past decade there has been a growing public fascination with the complex "connectedness" of modern society. This connectedness is found in many incarnations: in the rapid growth of the Internet and the Web, in the ease with which global communication now takes place, and in the ability of news and information as well as epidemics and financial crises to spread around the world with surprising speed and intensity. These are phenomena that involve networks, incentives, and the aggregate behavior of groups of people; they are based on the links that connect us and the ways in which each of our decisions can have subtle consequences for the outcomes of everyone else.
This course combines different scientific perspectives in its approach to understanding networks and behavior. Drawing on ideas from economics, sociology, computing and information science, and applied mathematics, it describes the emerging field of study that is growing at the interface of all these areas, addressing fundamental questions about how the social, economic, and technological worlds are connected.
Textbook: Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World By David Easley and Jon Kleinberg. Cambridge University Press (2010).

ECE 581 Network Security
In this course, we study the theoretical and practical aspects of network security. We start with a threat model, and describe vulnerabilities of computer networks to attacks by adversaries and hackers using a variety of techniques. We then study methods and techniques to circumvent or defend against these attacks and to minimize their damage. In this context, we study cryptographic techniques and protocols, network security protocols, digital signatures and authentication protocols, network security practice, and wireless network security.
Security attacks, mechanisms, and services; network security and access security models; overview of secret-key and public-key cryptography; authentication protocols and key management; network security practice; email security; IP security and web security; intrusion detection and prevention systems; firewalls and virtual private networks; wireless network security.

ECE 582 Cryptography and Coding
The first part of the course concentrates on methods, algorithms, techniques, and tools of cryptography. We study in detail algorithmic and mathematical aspects of cryptographic methods and protocols, such as secret-key cryptography, public-key cryptography, hash functions, and digital signatures. We also show how these techniques are used to solve particular data and communication security problems. The second part of the course deals with subjects related to algebraic codes, their constructions, mathematical properties, and encoding and decoding algorithms.

ECE 584 Advanced Cryptography and Coding
This graduate course is designed for computer science, mathematics, electrical engineering students interested in understanding, designing, developing, testing, and validating cryptographic software and hardware. We will study algorithms, methods, and techniques in order to create state-of-art cryptographic embedded software and hardware using common platforms and technologies.

ECE 690 Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering
Advanced subjects and problems in electrical and computer engineering will be studied.

ECE590 Project Course
Each student selects a topic and prepares a project proposal with the approval of the academic advisor. The student studies the literature, conducts research about the proposal, collects experimental or observational data when needed and submits a project report at the end of the semester. A presentation to the class completes the work. The grade will be Satisfactory (S) or Failure (F).

ECE591 Graduate Seminar
In this course, seminars are offered by faculty, guest speakers and graduate students about various electrical engineering topics, aiming to broaden students' interest and vision. Scientific research methods are presented. Each student is expected to study a selected topic in greater detail and submits a report at the end of the semester. A presentation to the class completes the work. The grade will be Satisfactory (S) or Failure (F).

ECE599 Master of Science Thesis

Graduate Programs in the GS-NAS are for students with an undergraduate degree (UG) in engineering, technology, sciences (such as physics and mathematics) and business/economics. Students with a different background and/or have not completed coursework listed below may be required to take some additional courses in the scientific preparation program: * Analysis, differential equations and linear algebra * Computer programming in one of C++, FORTRAN or Java * Probability and Statistics * Operations ResearchADMISSION CRITERIAAdmission to the MS programs depend on * Cumulative GPA, * GRE or ALES scores, * Good command of English as measured by TOEFL IELTS or similar exams, * Letters of recommendation * Letter of interest * Interview by the admission committeeAPPLICATION REGISTRATION CALENDARApplication to Graduate Programs can be made year-around. However, admission decisions will be finalized: * June 30 for Fall semesters * January 15 for Spring semestersRegistration dates slightly changeevery year as announced in the Academic Calendar pages, but the following dates can be taken as a guideline: * September 10 for Fall semesters * February 10 for Spring semestersONLINE APPLICATION * All applications should be made online at * * All necessary documents can be uploaded in the following formats: Word, PDF, JPEG, GIF. * Uploaded documents and information are saved in the system permanently and cannot be deleted, changed or corrected once online application has been completed. * Following documents must be uploaded at the online application system: * Transcript(s) (scanned / digital copies) * Statement of Purpose (PDF or Word; see FAQ for the content of SOP) * Detailed CV (PDF, Word) * GRE or ALES Scores (scanned / digital copies) * English Proficiency Scores (TOEFL, IELTS, ÜDS, KPDS) (scanned / digital copies) * Online application cannot be completed until all required fields have been filled. * At least two letters of recommendation should be sent to Graduate Admission Committee via e-mail to fbe@sehir.edu.tr. * If any, academic paper samples can be also sent to fbe@sehir.edu.tr. * Originals of all documents must be submitted during registration. * If you are applying for more than one program, you should fill a separate online form for each program.*This page is active at Mozilla Firefox 3.x and previous versions, Internet Explorer 8 and previous versions and Google Chrome. If you are using Internet Explorer 9, it must be operated in compatibility mode.REGISTRATIONAdmitted students should come in person and register into the Graduate Program with the originals of the following documents (Originals of all uploaded documents during online application will need to be submitted during registration. Failing to do so will result in denial of registration) * An official copy of transcript(s) (in a sealed envelope), * Diploma/interim certificate of graduation, * Updated CV (resumé) * GRE or ALES Scores, * English Proficiency Scores (TOEFL, IELTS, ÜDS, KPDS), * A copy of the passport * Two passport photos * A photocopy of your student visaobtained from the Turkish Embassy or Consulate in your country (for international students) English Language Requirements IELTS band: 6 TOEFL paper-based test score : 550 TOEFL iBT® test: 80

Want to improve your English level for admission?

Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.

  • ✔️ Flexible study schedule
  • ✔️ Experienced teachers
  • ✔️ Certificate upon completion

📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.

Enroll in the course


* Limited but competitive scholarships are offered after a merit-base assessment of all applications.
* Scores for GPA, GRE/ALES, TOEFL/IELTS; letters of references; and statement of purpose essays are all taken into consideration during the assessment of applications for scholarship.
* Scholarship levels may change from a tuition-waver plus health insurance level to 1600TL/month stipend plus tuition-waver, free lunch, health insurance, research support, accommodation support, etc., which may total up to 2000TL/month.
* Students with scholarships may be required for teaching assistantship duties up to 20 hours/week.
* Students may also obtain additional support from their advisers if they involve in sponsored research projects.
* Financial Aid is only in the form of tuition-waver, and determined after a merit-base assessment of applications.

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