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Full-time, 2nd cycle studies are three semester long and finish with a presentation of a Master's Thesis. The graduate is awarded a Master of Science degree.
At this stage of education the student follows one of the specializations: Teleinformatics Systems and Equipment, Sensors and Microsystems, Networks and Services. The graduates acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills indispensable for designing, manufacturing, implementing and exploiting circuits, devices, electronic systems, telecommunications systems, networks and services. This study programme aims at specifying current and future electronic and telecommunications techniques with the use of new technologies and computer tools as well as development of these technologies and fabrication of tools. In the first phase of studies the student gains a theoretical background in basic subjects, whereas the disciplinary and specialist subjects are introduced in the second phase of studies. During the first semester (uniform for all specializations) the students acquire supplementary knowledge in basic theoretical subjects (Mathematics, Stochastic Processes, Numerical Methods, Optimization Methods) and in major courses (Fibre Optics and Photonics, Programmable Logic Devices, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Information Theory and Coding, Security of Information Systems, Reliability and Diagnostics, Telecommunication Networks Design). The specialist education is realized according to various programmes elected at the second stage of full-time studies. Graduates are also prepared for team management, and are offered the 3rd cycle of studies (doctoral research).
The syllabus of Electronics and Telecommunications: Computer Network Equipments and Systems includes specialised compulsory and elective subjects such as equipment implementation of algorithms, computer architectures, integrated service networks, light pipes technique, networks and systems with dispersed intelligence, mobile radio communication systems,wireless networks, network devices, analogue CMOS systems in VLSI technique. The profile of studies is broad: computer science, teleinformatics, and multimedia communication systems. These disciplines provide the future electronic engineers with the knowledge, which is indispensable for designing new teleinformatic equipment, teleinformatic networks and network management. The graduate of this specialisation is familiarized with the equipment and standards of teleinformatic systems and local, metropolitan, wide area networks and integrated networks. Moreover, the student gains competences and skills in designing and constructing equipment and informing systems, computer hardware and networks, data transmission systems and software development.
Want to improve your English level for admission?
Prepare for the program requirements with English Online by the British Council.
- ✔️ Flexible study schedule
- ✔️ Experienced teachers
- ✔️ Certificate upon completion
📘 Recommended for students with an IELTS level of 6.0 or below.